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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Reading the article: 1. This is a few years old. 2. To both sides this thing, they also did a Big Bang one, “Should schools in America teach the creation theory of Catholic priest George Lemaitre as part of their science curriculum?” Predictably, Democrats overwhelmingly opposed it while Republicans supported it. Most likely, neither side knew what they were supporting or opposing in large numbers. Opposing Arabic numerals is dumber than missing the Big Bang reference, but just by a little bit. I'd rather none of these morons have any say in my child's education. 3. The Roman numeral puns in response to that tweet are excellent and worth the read.
  2. Post nasal drip started Thursday last week I think. Tested negative over the weekend and then positive early this week. Worst day was probably Wednesday where I had a fair bit of shortness of breath. I never had real chest congestion, just a stuffed up nose and felt winded. Last fever was maybe Monday night. I’m sure these would be classified as mild symptoms, but it’s also the sickest I’ve been on many years. And it’s a weird sickness that doesn’t seem to progress in the right order.
  3. I noticed that I could vaguely smell my kid’s play doh last night. There’s also a hint of ammonia in everything that I smell. I’ve read that some people get a fecal smell to everything, so I’ll take the ammonia.
  4. As two breakthrough cases, my wife and I had a friend text us yesterday telling us to take HCQ and the horse stuff. We were told that if we couldn’t get a human script, to just get the animal version and use online conversation charts. I had previously heard about this and thought the whole thing was a joke until someone close to us earnestly encouraged us to poison ourselves. Won’t take the “experimental vaccine” but will take horse dewormer.
  5. Trumpet playing was an event in the ancient games. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herald_and_Trumpet_contest
  6. I’m not insane, so I’m only taking a cocktail of Benadryl, sudaphed, and Who’s the Boss reruns, but yes, that’s the stuff.
  7. Mole family vaccine breakthrough update: - not dead yet. - Mrs. Mole and I both are having symptoms of a mild head cold so far. I credit either the vaccine or the horse worm paste for this. - One day, my pee smelled like asparagus pee, without eating any asparagus. It could be the horse worm paste, but I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere as a symptom. - I lost my sense of smell in the past hour or so. It’s weird. It seems like a good time to get in the habit of only eating healthy food, since you can’t taste it anyway. - We spent our summer in a cautious normal, doing things but avoid high risk situations, yet we still got sick. The doctor told me that she’s seen an uptick of breakthrough cases. My guess is that breakthrough cases will be relatively common. I have a feeling that delta is going to be wild as kids go back to school.
  8. That’s why I never got that feral pig I won.
  9. The vaccine meant that my parents could hold and play with their grandchildren again after about 18 months without that risk of killing them. I guess that’s not a big deal if you hate the concept of family.
  10. As crazy as the first 3 pages of that thread are, ending with a VAPA sighting on the fourth page puts it over the top.
  11. Also a sign of weakness. Just man up!
  12. If a believer is going to go down the mark of the beast eschatology path, they kind of have to deal with all the warnings to believers about following false teachers, giving up truth for mythology, tickling ears, chasing signs and wonders, etc. The sobering words that are wrapped up in that particular reading contrast pretty starkly with the “God’s gonna smite MY enemies”/“I’m so persecuted”/ “I’m the hero of the Bible” self-centered mindset that we see here. If God always seems to agree with you, then you’re worshiping yourself. I know we can write her off as a ranting crazy person, but this mindset is running pretty rampant. The problem isn’t that she’s saying insane things, it’s that the insane things she says are so normal. Years ago, I first noticed the game of faith chicken that goes on in some churches. The more outlandish and unbelievable the claim expressed, the greater the sign of faith and thus the more holy it is. It leads to this madness.
  13. 15 years of marriage has made me an expert on the mental ignore button.
  14. The mole household is now a vaccine breakthrough household. We’re both experiencing mild symptoms. Mrs. Mole tested positive; I tested negative but was told to test again in a few days. We got our 2nd Pfizer shot in April. We’ve done minimal socializing with unvaccinated people. Assuming it’s delta, it passes around really easily. I currently have a mild headache, some post nasal drip, and generally feel run down. It’s essentially the way we both felt after each shot. I’ll check in a few weeks from now if I’m dead!
  15. The culture war is the worst. The pro-life position should be extremely pro-mask and extremely pro-vaccine. If you're advocating regulating doctor/patient interactions during pregnancy like the typical pro-life position does, then surely you should be advocating vaccine and mask mandates. Anything less is rejecting the culture of life. If life is the concern, then life should be the concern. You save lives where and when you can. In this case, the pro-life movement should be the loudest advocates for aggressive COVID policies -- they certainly aggressively advocate for similarly or more intrusive anti-abortion measures. The pro-life movement has had their chance to advocate forcefully for their culture of life, but they failed miserably in search of meaningless gotcha moments. And since there's significant overlap between pro-lifers and the American church, the American church was given the greatest opportunity in generations to act out the Gospel and instead laying down their lives and picking up their crosses, they've largely chosen to lay down the cross and take up arms in the culture war. This need to win internet argument points by using the words of the other side to point out their hypocrisy rather than advocate for a coherent set of beliefs is due to the madness of the culture war. It's the worst. Stop it.
  16. I’ve become a single issue voter on objective reality.
  17. The difference between the treatment of GR and Triple may have had more to do with the scope, persistence, and the nature of the bad-faith posting. Triple had a HCQ bat signal that sent him into insane ranting. It seemed to me to be genuinely held beliefs based on an insane mental game of telephone with himself. I didn’t really notice him outside of the HCQ stuff. It was almost Grendalesque. GR was broader with his trolling, more persistent, and it seemed to be more disingenuous. Triple was trying to have a single and repeating honest conversation based on insane precepts; GR was consistently trying to muck up and distract in a broad range of topics. It wasn’t an honest conservative perspective; it was a troll perspective. Put another way, there is no doubt a need for more genuine, thoughtful, conservative voices in the CR, but that should be distinct from insane ranting or dishonest trolling.
  18. I've never heard such an idiom before. It's perfectly descriptive. Is this an Alabamaism or have I just been missing out?
  19. I meant to click on For Sale but instead clicked Daily Texan and was mildly surprised by the thread title.
  20. Datum is the singular of data. I propose that the singular of aggy be texum aggy.
  21. I don’t care that much about gymnastics and I suspect that most of us with hot takes don’t either. It might have been a wise decision or the best decision for her and/or her team. If you can’t go, you can’t go. Calling this brave or even heroic is a bit much. Honestly, there’s not much that happens in athletic competition that should be called heroic. Jackie Robinson was brave and heroic. All of the gymnasts, including Giles, who spoke out about Nassar were brave and possibly heroic. Kevin McHale playing through the playoffs on a broken foot — persevering through a difficult and painful trial — was “sports brave.” Backing out may have been wise and she certainly deserves no hate for it, but it’s not even sports brave. All of the brave/hero talk reminded me of this:
  22. Maybe it’s small, but as the fall semester approaches I find myself personally resenting this whole thing. Last year, I found the perfect paper to frame the first week of one of my upper level major courses. By that point, students feel like they know a lot and the paper wonderfully undermines everything that they had been taught, calls into question pretty much everything I would teach the rest of the semester, and shows how small and provincial their education is. A paper that says I’m a small-minded idiot hurting the education of all of my students by perpetuating a racist framing of their field seems worth exploring in an upper level class. There was some slight political resistance to the premise (“why does everything have to be about race?”), but the moment of realization about the glaring hole in their education was wonderful. It’s important to be periodically reminded how little you know about subjects that you know so well. Those moments are the foundation to a good education. The paper/lecture borrows heavily from the language of CRT. It was some heavy lifting last year, but this year I’m not sure if it’s worth the cost of entry. It was a means to an end for deeper understanding (kind of like CRT), but now I know a good portion of the students will never get past the politics. Maybe I’ll still roll with it or maybe I’ll find some less politicized way to tell them that everything we’ve been teaching them is arbitrary and closes their mind as much as it opens it, but every subsequent cohort misses out either way. The subject has been poisoned. Of course, poisoning uncomfortable subjects seems to be the point. Something else, however small, has been lost in the culture war.
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