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Everything posted by Mole

  1. I foresee this evolving into a Randolf Duke impersonation contest.
  2. Depending on the beer, it might have improved the flavor. However bad it might be to drink a beer from your shoe, it’s got to be worse to have to wear that beer-soaked shoe the rest of the night.
  3. I’m not superstitious, but things went pretty poorly for a bit there after he pulled that stunt. I blame him.
  4. It’s amazing to me how many pay attention to the announcers enough to complain about them. That’s not a criticism, just an expression of amazement and wonder.
  5. Hopefully they’ll call the homerun play at bat and the strike out play on the mound lots of times.
  6. If you embrace it for what it is, small town professional wrestling is awesome. No idea on how many bags of M&Ms.
  7. When I was in basic training, the drill sergeants told us that if everyone in the platoon passed inspection of our sock drawer or whatever, we’d get to go to the regional pro wrestling night in Lawton and eat candy until we all puked. If one person failed, no Okie wrestling night and M&Ms. The purpose of requiring 100% compliance was to ensure that we all policed ourselves. Fairness and other concerns weren’t relevant, just providing the motivation for everyone to get it together and for the high speed folk to help out the blue falcons. If you let your battle buddy fail, it’s your failure too. Uncle Sam didn’t owe us bad wrestling and tummy aches, but it was good enough motivation at the time to make sure everyone had their act together. I think I had a pizza party in 5th grade using the same concept.
  8. Young people are much less sexually active these days in part due to phones. Boredom used to mean sexy time. Now everyone just stares at their phones.
  9. I’m not going to cry for NC State. They had their choice and they chose poorly. It’s poor management of the players from a strategic standpoint. It would be like overworking your ace pitcher during meaningless innings and not having him ready for the important moments. Or using your star QB as a battering ram in the national championship game, giving him a dead arm, and being forced to roll with a squinting freshman INT machine who only got a small handful of snaps. It’s just poor thinking. The protocol makes sense from the standpoint of encouraging vaccinations. Wave a carrot for 100% compliance and you can get some peer pressure (or coaching pressure) to get the shot. It makes sense from that perspective. Outside of encouraging vaccinations, it doesn’t make sense if you try to think too much about the logic of testing/contact tracing only some vaccinated players (meaning only players on non-compliant teams). As a carrot and stick, it makes perfect sense; if you think about it much more than that, it starts to break your brain.
  10. Anecdotally, it seems like many of the more competent service industry folks have found better things to do — with better pay, more stable work, and fewer interactions with the hoards of sociopaths looking to take out their life frustrations on a stranger — those insane people who are apparently everywhere that take such joy in the suffering of others. So while you’re berating you’re server for the cold burger and for forgetting to bring you your Shirley Temple, take some comfort that the old, competent server has made a better life. Rather than a crisis of refills, we just might be witnessing the American dream in action on a large scale. Or you know, the entire social order was upended, the world was shut down, lots of people died, we all lost our minds, and maybe transitioning out of that pit might have a few hiccups. All I know is that I never got my hash browns with my Father’s Day omelette and I was left hungry.
  11. The blue line American flag looks like an American flag that hasn’t been unlocked yet in a video game. It also looks like flag desecration.
  12. Great series. Great game 7. Weird last five minutes.
  13. KD’s legs have been toast this OT.
  14. Man this got ugly fast.
  15. Man this is exhausting and I don’t really even care that much.
  16. Faucets that are too short for their sinks so you have to rub your hands against the sink to rinse your hands.
  17. Is this a bit that you're doing and I'm missing it or do you not understand that I'm agreeing with you?
  18. If we remove all context, the NRA life verse shows Jesus as pro-weapon and indifferent as to whether or not people were appropriately dressed; as Luke 22:36 says: He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
  19. This kind of misses the point of my post, but: 1. there are reasonable biblical arguments that support the pro-choice position 2. there's also the question of whether or not staking out a "biblical" position on any moral issue is wise or relevant today. Despite this, the idea that there isn't a valid biblical case to support something approximating the pro-life position is simply not true. Someone can reject the case on biblical or other grounds, but it's there and pretty reasonable provided you start with the premises that most religious pro-lifers start with (and that premise isn't simply "hurr-durr I hate women"). And of course my point was that any Christian stance on abortion is necessarily a case based on the application biblical principals rather than explicit commands, such as treatment of the poor and immigrants. It's disappointing, but not surprising, that religious pro-lifers have latched on to an issue that has some biblical nuance and rejected the other issues that are much clearer.
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