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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Since this is the terrible idea thread, I'm pro-chaos and pro-spectacle. I'm not all that interested in fairness or the sanctity of the game. 1. Have each team send out both offense and defense. 2. Play starts simultaneously on both 30s. 3. No field goals. 4. Whoever scores first wins. 5. If you turn it over (on downs or otherwise), the opposing team gets the ball at the same 30 going the same direction. This means that one team could have both possessions at the same time. 6. If a fumble recovery or interception return crosses the 50, all 44 on-field players are eligible to participate (if they aren't otherwise occupied with their own play). 6a. If a play crosses the 50 into an active play, both plays will continue. If both plays score, whichever play scores first wins. 6b. If a play crosses the 50 into a dead ball, all on-field players can participate. The offense is free to snap the ball to start a play as well. 7. Players can switch ends of the field as they please between plays, but not during plays (except for cases where the ball crosses the 50). One side can't start with 10 players and sneak an unknown player from the other side. If you have both possessions, you can either use a backup QB or one QB on both ends as long as you don't get any delay of game penalties. 8. 50 yard line exception: if the offense has possession while the ball crosses the 50 (say the QB is scrambling), players must maintain the integrity of their side unless a turnover occurs. This means that teams with both possessions couldn't intentionally take a big loss to run extra offensive players against an undermanned defense.
  2. Having spent a few weeks over there a few years back, I’m something of a foreign policy expert. The wealth and opportunity gap between Palestinian and Israeli controlled areas is extreme. I can’t imagine growing up on the Palestinian side of the wall and not learning to hate Israelis. I also can’t imagine growing up with the constant threat of Hamas shooting rockets at me and not learning to hate Palestinians. That there isn’t more violence is a testament to our shared humanity. I don’t know the answer to this perpetual problem, but I’m pretty sure there isn’t a good one.
  3. Non-trolls don’t use “democrat” as an adjective. It’s the shibboleth of the troll wing of the Republican Party. It’s Trump-speak and is an immediate identifier. It’s mostly inconsequential, but it’s a little like using “tu” to speak of the Longhorns. An individual use of “democrat party” might not be trolling, but it’s use is a clear signal of troll identity. It isn’t a partisan identity exactly, but they are rapidly become one and the same. This isn’t a defense of Democrats; I’ve never identified as one. I don’t care if anyone takes a shot at them, but if you don’t want to be considered a troll, don’t act like one. That’s of course ignoring the constant stream misrepresentations that make up this particular “non-troll’s” manner of communicating.
  4. Both siding “both sides”: There’s two sides to the both sides issue. There’s the “it’s about time” position, where you recognize that this is a long standing problem but we need laser focus on the current malfeasance before we can deal with the earlier problems. This side never happens. Then there’s “you think you’re so good?” where we bicker about who is worse and then the same thing happens again and again. This both sides is used to excuse the malfeasance. This is pretty much what always happens, even when people think they’re claiming “it’s about time.” Focusness, people.
  5. What’s the name of the logical fallacy where you condescendingly argue against a constantly shifting cloud of self-conflicting positions that you falsely attribute to your opponent? If there isn’t a name, I vote for ménage a strawman .
  6. Changing demographics.
  7. Without any real thinking about arithmetic, it's clearly a number greater than 70 and less than 80. In my own day-to-day life, I can't think of a scenario where anything in the range of 71-79 is a meaningful distinction, so I say it's somewhere in the 70s and move on. Meaningless precision is overrated.
  8. I don’t get it, but it’s amazing.
  9. It harkens back to our primal roots in using daylight to track the day. Plus, those long afternoon meetings in the winter just got a lot shorter. Instead of thinking of time as something fixed, think of it as a measure of a percentage of the sun’s movement across the sky in any given location.
  10. Like CFB playoffs, we spend too much time debating the details of the flawed system instead of putting the whole thing on trial. Rather than a variable sunrise and sunset time and a standardized rate of time, we should establish standardized sunrise and sunset times (6:30 am and 8:00 pm respectively) and use variable hour rates. Sunrise is henceforth 6:30 AM and sunset is 8:00 PM. This should be standardize regardless of your location and time of year. Make the day hours fit into this standard with a variable rate of time. It might make some things a little more complicated since time would move more quickly or slowly based on time of year and location, but it would forever solve the time change problem and give us consistent morning and evening daylight “hours.” It would also reinvigorate the watch industry since everyone’s current watches would be obsolete. Good for our health, good for our recreation, and good for the economy.
  11. If you gave me the transcript of that interaction and told me that one person worked professionally in politics/sort of journalism and the other was in 6th grade, I would have guessed wrong as to who was whom. Unless you told me it was Fox. It’s not just the absurdity of challenging such a thing, but Kilmeade sounds like a pathetic child in his response. Such insightful analysis.
  12. Just following up on that daily mail sack link, it’s comparing 2020 election results with jobs. Even if the jobs analysis was accurate, what conclusions should be drawn from such a chart? The implication is that “blue” states suffered greater losses due to “blue” policies and vice versa, but the partisan affiliation was based on 2020 presidential election results, not state leadership. Whoever made that chart studied How to Lie with Statistics well. Chapters 7 and 8 (The semi attached figure & post-how rides again) seem pretty relevant. Actually, if you dig into it, it looks like the whole book is covered. Such efficiency.
  13. News is dead. Print is dead. I only read post-modern fan fiction of Norse mythology. The ironic feminist critique of Snorri that proclaims that the gods are all dead really makes you think.
  14. That tweet is confusing. It sounds to me like he’s voicing support for Biden.
  15. In the unlikely event that an anti-mask Tuckerite accosts your child and you can’t disengage, I think the proper response is to point out some inane detail about their appearance (clothes, haircut, etc.) and loudly declare that you read a Facebook post calling that a sign of a sex trafficker and ask why a sex trafficker is harassing your child. The more confusing and irrational the better as long as you are loudly calling them a sex trafficker.
  16. Lavar Burton is really great in discussing those issues in that interview. Everything in our political culture seems so antagonist that it’s disarming the way he addresses things.
  17. BT’s posts on this page are stunning in their intellectual dishonesty. It’s art really.
  18. That poor soul is one of the great artists of our time. One day, when we can properly appreciate its brilliance through the lens of history, Atomic Cow Farts will hang in a gallery as the preeminent example of early-mid 21st aesthetic. It perfectly encapsulates our present cultural state.
  19. To quote Chuck Daly when talking about the Dream Team, “I know Michael’s the best player, but Pippen was the best player on that team.”
  20. Also, MJ and Magic are second team?
  21. I came here to post the senate resolution. https://www.senate.gov/reference/resources/pdf/hconres331.pdf I assume that the “American culture” in his quote was referring to self-absorbed ignorance.
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