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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Team Pfizer #2 here as well. I feel normal, which is usually terrible on a pretty spring, pollen-soaked day.
  2. Those Thin Blue Line flags make handy weapons if you’re inclined to beat cops with them during your insurrections.
  3. As mentioned by others, I suspect that much of the change has to do with nominal Christians no longer feeling social pressure to half-heartedly claim a faith, but as someone still affiliated with a church, the past year has been a bitter pill. I can understand people coming to different conclusions to political questions for which the best answer is really the least terrible answer, but I can't really wrap my mind around the depth of idolatry and self-worship that openly became mainstream Christian positions and at times seemed like official positions for some denominations. With COVID, Christians were handed a prime opportunity to act out the Gospel and lay down our lives for our communities in really simple ways, but at least in my Christian circle, way too many are acting out Left Behind fantasies instead. I'm not sure what post-COVID church life will look like for my family, but I suspect there will be some strained relationships within the church as everyone comes to terms with what has all happened. The problems have been brewing for a long time, but this past year has brought a lot into focus.
  4. I thought our current system of privatized gains and socialized losses was corporate communism. From each according to his ability; to each according to their market share. The corporations have seized the means of production: a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
  5. Honky-Tonk Madrasa is my next album name. The cover art will be lit.
  6. As a Georgia voter who voted absentee during COVID: 1. We already have an ID requirement. To get an ID where I live it’s about a 45 minute drive and there’s no public transportation. When we moved here, it took a few trips to bring all of the proper documents, even after checking the website for what we needed. It’s not exactly conducive to a poor person getting an ID, but that ship has long since sailed. It’s not new. Mobile units or drives would be nice though. 2. I had to submit an ID number to get my absentee ballot. During the primaries the system was still pretty bad, but by the general, things were updated, easy, and convenient. The SOS did a really good job with absentee voting and the COVID response. 3. For the reasons already mentioned, signature matching stresses me out. Judgement is very subjective and many signatures are so variable. A number seems better on this respect. At one point there was talk of requiring a photocopy of the ID, so the number seems better than that. 4. A number is also easy to mess up when filling out a form. I suspect that a certain percentage of ballots will be thrown out due to simple human error in writing down the right number. There might be demographic trends to this, I don’t know. I’ve never gone through the ballot curing process personally, but I did scan the lists in November to see if I knew anyone on it. Generally, those changes seem positive to me. I believe they also allowed or required earlier counting of absentee ballots to avoid some of the issues of this year. That’s also a good change. The water thing seems cartoonishly bad. The election board stuff seems more troubling.
  7. I’ll admit to my ignorance about most gun-related matters (I’ve only touched firearms handed to me by Uncle Sam), but the 2nd amendment as a threat of violence towards an oppressive government doesn’t seem readily apparent from any imaginable reading of it. If that was its purpose, you’d think they would have put that in there. Are there any well-researched summaries of how the founders went from discussing militia participation (negating the need for a standing army while also keeping slaves and natives in line) to our children having active shooter drills so we can pretend that we would overthrow a hypothetical fascist government? Point A to point B doesn’t seem to be a straight line.
  8. So the water thing is so comic-book-villain horrifying and absurd that I have to assume that it must be a distraction from something far worse in there.
  9. Best case he’s our next president; worst case it’s an even dumber scenario.
  10. The Big Dan ad looks straight out of Idiocracy.
  11. ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” I think this is a clear violation of my religious freedoms.
  12. I normally wouldn’t listen through this whole thing, because who cares, but I had to listen after all the fuss about how confused he was. He stumbled over a some words here and there like a normal person and he dropped a word in one sentence that left the literal meaning that he’s actually like 150 years old, which was hilarious, but it was nothing of note and nothing of substance. Feigning outrage over the notes is plainly disingenuous and the face cheat sheet seems reasonable considering the mask issue. Having taught in-person classes to masked students this past year, every little bit helps.
  13. It sounds a little like Milestones, which also happens to be used in Super Smash Bros.
  14. If one of you says to them, "Go in peace; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?
  15. 1. Nederland, man. 2. It’s obviously derivative, but Texit is a much snappier name than Brexit. 3. As someone who no longer lives in Texas, at least my federal tax dollars might not go towards relief for your self-indicted wounds. 4. A government solely led by current Texas political leadership would be an absurdist comedy. Terrifying and terrible, but hilarious. 5. Ted Cruz would no longer be a US Senator, so that’s a plus. 6. The leftward swing of US politics would be remarkable. If this movement gains any momentum, I expect significant pushback from Republicans from other states.
  16. If you coach good teams long enough, you’ll have some bad losses here and there. 15 seed Lehigh beat 2 seed Duke. It happens. The problem is when the bad losses are the high point of your program.
  17. Counterpoint: ACU/UNT-level talent makes the second round. I agree with the general point though.
  18. Mole

    Haiku thread

    Shaka Smart brought us excitement, disappointment, and a coaching search?
  19. It depends on how much we’re willing to invest in an escort budget.
  20. History is long, so there might be worse losses, but this is on the short list of worst basketball displays I’ve ever witnessed on any level, including intramural C also-rans slugging it out. Based on the disparity between talent level and quality of play, it has to be the worst.
  21. Some upsets are kind of excusable, like when a team gets really hot and can’t miss threes or they have one freak player. This is something else entirely.
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