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Everything posted by Mole

  1. I give her slightly less sympathy than I do for an ISIS terrorist who gets killed. On a fundamental level, a someone's child was radicalized, became a terrorist, and ultimately died because of it. That's a sad story, but the death itself was necessary. The difference between her and the ISIS terrorist is that she was radicalized while resting in the relative ease and wealth of a formerly first world country.
  2. What has struck me about the interviews with the terrorists is the casual disengagement from reality. I saw a video of a terrorist couple, arm in arm and walking away from the capitol. Two terrorist love birds having a romantic coup attempt. She had been pepper sprayed and looked and sounded like she felt she was the victim, much like we saw in the protests this summer. When asked why she was there, she said — not metaphorically— for the “revolution.” She participated in an attack on congress to overthrow the government and yet she seemed aggrieved because she was pepper sprayed. It was like she was just playing around. There’s too much make-believe and gleeful untethering from reality going on. I can’t wrap my mind around it, but I see it everywhere these days.
  3. Based on his record from his inauguration to this past Election Day, he’s the worst and most destructive by far, probably even if you include Jefferson Davis. Based just on his record from Election Day through 1/5, he’s also the worst, even if he had actually been great otherwise. Based on his record just starting yesterday at lunch time, he’s still easily the worst, even if he was otherwise great. He’s speeding up.
  4. Her speech sounded like someone stole her puppy. I guess losing an election and having the terrorists you riled up try to murder you and your colleagues is a lot for one day. Maybe now the farmer girl understands the phrase, chickens coming home to roost.
  5. PBS report did a quick interview where the terrorist said this like the American Revolution.
  6. Today will be an objective lesson in morality for the VP. Pence being the Bible believer that he is surely knows 1 Cor. 33: Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Or to quote the modern day Philly prophet, Rocky Balboa, "You hang out with nice people, you get nice friends, ya understand? You hang out with smart people, you get smart friends. You hang out with yo-yo's, you get yo-yo friends. You see, simple mathematics."
  7. More conservative than Attila the Hun.
  8. Possibly. Warnock’s position at Ebenezer gives him a lot of weight. Of course, there was a third runoff election for Public Service Commission (utilities). There, it looks like the R (a white man named Lauren) beat the D (a Black man named Blackman). As of 10 minutes ago, the R candidate for Public Service Commission has more votes than everyone but Warnock.
  9. Some of this. Also, Loeffler is cartoonishly horrifying. Maybe her cartoon villain qualities seem more offensive to some because she’s a woman, but she’s objectively more horrifying than Perdue. Probably a little of this. There’s probably a bit of anti-Semitism baked into American politics in general, but Perdue hasn’t altered any pictures of Ossoff’s nose in months, so I guess they didn’t find it that effective. More generally, while Ossoff is young, smart, and a good candidate, he isn’t quite as compelling as Warnock. Georgia was won with black organizers registering black voters. The senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist and a child of the poverty resonates in a way that a child of privilege turned documentarian doesn’t. Add in Loeffler’s making this election about the black church too. I suspect that enthusiasm was far higher for Warnock than Ossoff. I could also see some generally R leaning, white Christian values voters seeing Warnock as acceptable and then also voting for Perdue. If you look at county by county numbers, there wasn’t that much splitting of tickets, just a little here and there, always favoring Warnock over Ossoff. What’s absolutely amazing to me is that during the height of extreme right wing nationalist identity politics, Georgia just elected a Black senator and a Jewish senator.
  10. When do we officially turn communist? I have some tee shirt designs to sell.
  11. Looking at 538's county by county map, it looks like there's virtually no split ticket voting.
  12. I’m in for a 2022, double entendre-filled, pre-midterm, viral rap collaboration with Derka called Big D Turnout.
  13. Look, Georgia senators may take advantage of a global pandemic for an easy payday; they might use racial stereotypes and racist tropes in their campaign ads; they might seek to overthrow the government; but they don’t sexually harass preteens waiting to get their ears pierced at Claire’s, so keep the Bama politics in the metoo thread.
  14. The Proud Boys musical should be more of a demented Man of La Mancha than Hamilton.
  15. A definition of masculinity so depraved it defies belief. Also, I’m not sure what the hubbub is all about. During the impeachment, Senate republicans admitted that the president attempted extortion in support of his election efforts. They said it was no big deal then, so why should we fuss now when he does the same thing on tape? It’s what the president does. We could have avoided this like a year ago.
  16. Short of a small handful of coaches that aren’t coming, everyone else will always be a crapshoot. If you catch the right coach at the right time, sometimes you beat the odds, but the odds are always against you. Once Mack went downhill, it was almost guaranteed to be a long walk in the wilderness. I’m always going to root for the guy in recovery to make good. His sobriety is a valid concern for anyone associated with UT, but as long as he has a plan and support system in place, I’m not going to hold it against him unless it becomes a problem. His list of QB protégés is elite and he appears to be a brilliant and flexible offensive coach. Hopefully he picked up some of that Saban mojo. If he succeeds, I think that these will be the reasons that it seems so obvious in hindsight. The odds are that he’ll be mediocre, but I’d say that for any coach other than Meyer. Getting upset that this coin flip is marginally better or worse than some other coin flip seems pointless to me.
  17. I’m all for truth and those comments seem like dirty pool, but Loeffler claiming she doesn’t support white supremacy while running attack ads drenched in the very same ideology is a bit rich. Idealized conservative principles aren’t inherently racist, but the dishonest anti-Warnock ads are the same attacks that have been run against black politicians and leaders for generations. If the hood fits.
  18. Mole

    Sam Ehlinger

    I mean, it’s an award put out by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, so I’m not sure what you expect. Colt beat out Tebow for it in 2009, so they have better judgement than you might think. The Saint Luigi Scrosoppi Catholic Kicker award would probably have a sweet trophy. Also, the all Muslim NBA all-time team would be loaded in the post.
  19. Man, a year ago we were in the midst of impeachment stuff. That sure seemed like a low point at the time. Who knew that he’d kill off enough Americans to empty out Honolulu and then try (and keep trying) to overthrow the government? It sure feels like a low point. What’s in store for 2021?
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