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Everything posted by Mole

  1. Mole

    We are famous!

    Too be fair, that’s a Cam Newton (for the SEC flavor) level talent there that makes even mediocre surrounding talent and leadership look great. I don’t think we can afford him anymore ever since he started trying to break into the presidential portrait game (no CR). He’s big time now. For all of the weaknesses of Texags, they did produce Akita, who tore down his own fence in solidarity against the BOMC. Their own real life Chad Briscoe.
  2. That’s because some of the stuff in that thread was pure bigotry. It’s pretty much inevitable whenever religion is discussed here (or anywhere on the internet) that there will be a fair share of anti-religious bigotry. This is distinct from anyone who thinks religion is stupid/harmful/whatever and certainly distinct from acknowledging the obvious hypocrisies that come up. The bigotry is always amplified when then ugly union of politics and religion comes up. Living in Georgia, the attacks against Warnock are ubiquitous and pretty ugly. The mailers are out of control. At least Purdue has backed off the anti-Semitic ads this time around (so far), so let’s celebrate the progress. I’m not sure if I’d call the attacks against Warnock religiously-based even though they’re using his sermons and support of Jeremiah Wright. The attacks are wholly dishonest, but I still wouldn’t characterize the attacks as specifically religiously bigoted or religious discrimination. From one perspective, it sounds like they’re attacking him for actually preaching the Gospel, but it isn’t religiously based in the same way the ACB stuff was. The attacks are about fabricated versions of his politics as revealed through out of context clips of his preaching. They aren’t attacking his religion so much as using his public words to construct an anti-American straw man. The stuff that came up about ACB involved complete and dishonest misreadings of the practices of her religious group wrapped in old fashioned anti-Catholic bigoted tropes. It was drawing conclusions based specifically on religious affiliations. ACB was deemed unqualified by a few on that thread because of her religious affiliations and beliefs; Warnock has been deemed anti-American by his opponent because his public words — that happen to largely be sermons — can be edited to sound so. Maybe it’s too fine of a line to draw, but I see them as different kinds of ugliness and dishonesty. If you want to call the attacks on Warnock terrible, dishonest, and disgusting, I agree; if you want to call them based on bigotry, I’d also agree; if you want to call the attacks religiously bigoted, I’m not so sure. I’d add that I’m in general agreement with the main point of the letter. I just see it more as a race issue than a religion issue. I can understand how black ministers might not see any distinction.
  3. He had no arms or legs. He couldn't hear, see, or speak. This is how he led a nation.
  4. I think we’re supposed to call them rioters, not protesters.
  5. America first.
  6. Sorvino, Milano, lets call the whole thing off.
  7. This is this board’s Alyssa Milano ice cream cone thread with the added fun that a sizable number of posters think that she’ll be by later tonight with a gallon of tutti frutti. Any good story needs a certain amount of suspension of disbelief or you’ll miss the fun. I’m ready for the Twitter Nostradamus posting only Seinfeld gifs to lead me to the Urban Meyer promised land.
  8. It’s all corruption vs. communism/Jeremiah Wright/Anti-military preachers right now.
  9. Pluralizing data is the minimum I expect from someone calling themself Dr.
  10. Honestly, this past month alone probably qualifies him for worst president ever. This past month has been the 2000 Pedro Martinez of bad presidencies.
  11. If you don’t have time to listen to all of his symphonies, this is a little more time efficient: It’s surprisingly listenable, although you mostly just hear 3, 5, and 9. Someone did a Haydn version that sounds like Ligeti.
  12. I force myself to keep up with musical trends so I don’t get calcified ears. I tried listening to her new album but found it really boring. It’s really well executed, but I thought it was painfully uninteresting.
  13. A very short and incomplete list of movements by Beethoven that move me right now: Symphony no. 6, last movement — it sounds new to my ears even today; a pretty straightforward sonata-rondo form with nice horn fifths to make the A theme; it always reminds me of a Henry Mancini 80s TV theme song, like the Newhart show’s theme song but not at all Symphony no. 3, 1st movement — so much drama in one note (c#); just one tense note and you have a whole movement String Quartet no. 14, 1st movement — fugues, man; I’m not crying, you’re crying GroßeFuge — more fugues, man; Beethoven was a time traveler from the future apparently, Schoenberg before there was Schoenberg and much more listenable and enjoyable; still challenging enough for our lazy ears
  14. I’m adding investment purses to my portfolio to diversify my current collection of Beanie Babies, Cabbage Patch Dolls, and baseball card gum. Financial independence here I come!
  15. Remember the Maine.
  16. Someone posted the showboating that went on in 2000 in one of these threads. It looks like the same will happen on 1/6 — sound and fury, signifying nothing. Nothing new under the sun.
  17. Yep. Documented proof of Michigan voter fraud right there. Checkmate Democrat party. DO SOMETHING!!
  18. All of them.
  19. I think the legal term of art is firstsies, as articulated in the landmark 1952 SC decision, Shotgun vs. Girlfriend.
  20. It’s obviously biased towards the winners as far as the status quo goes, but every writer (not to mention every historical person) has a perspective, which is just the more positive side of bias. The 1619 Project is biased, or it has a perspective worth exploring. The Trump patriot response has a perspective, or it’s biased. Some highly biased materials have great educational value; some less biased materials are garbage; everything has a perspective, even if it’s just the inherent bias of the status quo. We need to do a better job of reading and learning about perspectives and bias in a way that gives a rich understanding of the world. Bias is a reality, not the problem. How we deal with it is the problem. As to religion in schools, my middle school was very religiously diverse, with adherents to all of the major world religions and then some. We learned about various religions in class with kids adding their own personal experience. We sang Christmas carols, Hanukkah songs, etc. We participated in each other’s religious and nonreligious lives. It was a very humanizing way to learn about beliefs. It absolutely wouldn’t work in many communities, but it was a great way to learn. Be honest, how many of those discussions were on Zoom calls with Bill Gates and Fauci? You can’t fool me. I’ve seen Strange Brew like 50 times.
  21. I’m not sure that biased info is necessarily quite the problem. The problem is more in learning how to deal with bias. The answer isn’t the triangulation/syncretism that has become so popular (the truth doesn’t have to be in the middle). If you’re talking about education, history, for example, is on some level a study of the bias of each author. This can be rejected for “Patriotic Education”,accepted as some kind of historical solipsism, or it can serve to provide a rich and nuanced understanding of history. The same goes for any other subject. Beyond the surface level in any field or subject, bias is inevitable, but we’ve collectively done a terrible job of handling and understanding that bias. Of course, like winning, it’s actually really, really hard.
  22. No snark, moderate Christians need to condemn Christian terrorism.
  23. Even still, they need to take it as one tiny model of leadership.
  24. “We can’t sanctify idolatry by labeling a leader our Cyrus. We need no Cyrus. We have a king. His name is Jesus.” Good line. I think it’s called parler.
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