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Everything posted by Mole

  1. We live in the post-truth, alternative facts era. This is why there needs to be pushback against only focusing on policy (the policies suck no doubt). You can have a discussion with people with radically different philosophies and perspectives as long as you agree on the reality. There’s no longer an objective truth, so there can’t even be a real discussion. Even someone who agrees 100% with his policies should be voting against him, not because he’s a meanie, but because he’s destroying the fabric of our culture. Of course Biden is ending energy, so he’ll destroy the fabric of the space-time continuum. Yeah, this sounds like a win to me. The one redeeming part of COVID has been the built-in excuse to not deal with the in-laws.
  2. The post-truth conservative values on display.
  3. You call yourself lifesaver. I call you pimple popper MD!
  4. Whether or not they ever were, truth, justice, and the American way are demonstrably no longer conservative values.
  5. A few night ago I dreamt that I could breathe under water and the water was a light pink color. Biden’s America. You can pry my Skyline from my cold, pre-diabetic hands.
  6. Before the pandemic hit, I had a few interviews for better jobs. They asked me how my experience would apply to the new job and some strategies I’d take for dealing with their problems. I yelled at them about their unfair questions and asked what their questions were for the other candidates. They were so biased that they hired someone else.
  7. We’re watching Wall-E for the 1000th time. I remain committed to refusing to listen to our current president speak ever again. He’s debased my country long enough. I’ll be checking here for the highlights.
  8. Clara Rockmore proved the instrument has artistic merit.
  9. This right here. Dismissing the Trump movement as simply a meaner version of the old GOP misses the fundamental things that have changed. It used to be, we all operated from a generally same reality with different viewpoints. Some were genuine philosophical difference and some was cynical spin, but we all pretty much had the same reality. The Trump movement has politicized objective reality. We can’t even discuss policies or issues because of the secret knowledge of the Gnostic Trump movement. It’s fundamentally paralyzing. Writing Trump off as a meaner version of previous candidates is the same justification that lifetime GOP voters use to vote for him — they “vote on policies and wish he’d talk less.” It ignores the more basic things that are destroying us the are unique to the Trump movement. Everything is fundamentally broken in a new way. The policies don’t even matter anymore because we’re broken before we even reach that point. You can’t discuss issues without a shared, non-politicized reality. Even if his policies didn’t suck, he would be destroying us. Conservative or liberal policy doesn’t destroy the country, this movement is.
  10. From Georgia, straight D and abstained on any unopposed Rs. At best, running as an R calls your judgment into question. More often, it also calls into question your character and acceptance of an objective reality, even at the local level. In a normal world, I’d be very slightly right of center. I voted for the initiatives and amendments because they were really sensible.
  11. The Trump movement is built on the alienated, and millennials have the most to be alienated about with regards to the crumbling American dream. Is there something regarding mobility, alienation, and Iowa that might make that cohort extra Trumpy? Those numbers are surprising in comparison to the rest of the state.
  12. I like Decency 2020, since it’s: 1. obvious what you’re talking about. 2. doesn’t technically endorse anyone. 3. points 1 and 2 are a really strong case for Biden. If you tell a Trump voter that you’re voting for decency, they know it isn’t their guy, and that’s actually really damning.
  13. All the posters outside of the top 10% are probably complaining about their “academically competitive high school.”
  14. My wife bought one of those multi station video baby monitors so she can keep tabs on our son while I’m at work and she’s working from home. There’s only a short overlap where he’d be loose in the house alone and he’s usually sleeping then, but she wants this just in case. She’s “trying it out” right now while she works. There are cameras and microphones throughout the house. It’s a bit intrusive. It’s also sound activated. Right before taking the kid outside, I told Alexa to play the Thong Song on repeat. The Society for Ethnomusicology has a statement against music as torture, but I think it’s warranted self defense in this case. If you don’t hear from me again, this post will probably be used by my wife in court to justify the murder.
  15. I want to run up the score. The country needs to go full Spurrier in rejecting this stain of a movement.
  16. Have you looked around this place recently? The final days of TOS is starting to look good.
  17. Just to be safe, I’m going to start a Trump thread on every other forum.
  18. Had he done nothing from day one...
  19. An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.
  20. If he had only done nothing, we’d be far better off. He politicized reality and actively worked against any kind of response.
  21. I interpreted his comment to mean that it’s 100% true that they are claiming that, which is accurate.
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