Just practically speaking, in order from best to worst:
1. Pick a different route ahead of time and simply stay out of the protest area. The best kind of road rage is the kind that happens far away from me.
2. If a protest materializes right in front of you, as they apparently often do, find a quick detour. Obey traffic laws, keep your eyes out for people walking at unusual angles, find a reasonable way out, and generally don’t be insane.
3. If you’re stuck, wait patiently, proceed slowly like a normal person would, and turn on some music (Rage Against the Machine if you’re surrounded by BLM and Lee Greenwood if they’re Blue Lives Matter folks). Unless it’s an anti-car protest, the protesters have no idea whether or not you secretly love or hate them.
4. If a confrontation starts, deescalate like a normal person. If you picked the right tunes above, they’ll think you’re on their side anyway. Depending on the protest, a well placed comment in support of defunding the police or backing the blue should be enough to blend in
5. Tell them you heard the car behind you use a slur.
6. Use your car as a weapon.
7. Start waiving and shooting your firearm that you usually keep pointed at the gas pedal. Then drive away quickly.