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  1. stc

    Pink Floyd

    got my tickets for IMAX. wish there were more showings but i guess a sunday afternoon will be a fine time to do some psychedelics.
  2. it was a comment on the "fuck sxsw" post directly above mine.
  3. will never understand that take. for the past 25 years of living in austin it's consistently been one of my favorite weeks of the year.
  4. stc

    Pink Floyd

  5. not reading anything written by andy langer. fuck him.
  6. stc

    SXSW 2025

    i waited in 1 line this year and it was because code compliance was at the venue verifying the number of people inside...as soon as they left everyone was let in. didn't go to a single event that felt full. it was good while it lasted i suppose...
  7. stc

    SXSW 2025

    attic ted, rattlesnake milk, perennial, rickshaw billie's burger patrol, the thing yesterday. perennial was obnoxious but everything else was good. downtown was deserted as fuck, moreso than on a regular weekend. here is sixth street at 5pm yesterday.
  8. stc

    SXSW 2025

    saw frankie & the witch fingers, native sun, wand, the thing, strange lot, throat piss yesterday. the thing and native sun are pretty similar but ns is more punk. slightly preferred the thing but they were both good. nothing was too crowded ,which was nice.
  9. stc

    SXSW 2025

    i saw fantasy as well and they were awful. that scene outside was something, i must have been standing right next to you because there weren't many people stage left.
  10. stc

    SXSW 2025

    saw wand, frankie & the witch fingers, and die spitz at 13th floor. all very good. saw several other unremarkable bands on red river as well. nuclear daisies at yellow jacket last night was good. droning psych rock, they're local. back at it today.
  11. was in the pit for deftones last night, it was fun and you have nothing to worry about. pretty wild how big they are now, tons of young kids there. nice stage production and chino sounded good. 7 words is so damn good live. mars volta played their entire new unreleased album, not a huge fan of theirs but they had their moments. they have a female singer in the band now.
  12. stc

    SXSW 2025

    apparently there was a delay as they shift production to a different facility and a lot of bars didn't get their lone star delivery for sxsw.
  13. stc

    Fried Chicken

    tried hi wings over the weekend, very good. much better than donkey mo's.
  14. out of the 9 song setlist, there were 4 repeat songs. definitely would've been pissed if i shelled out that kind of money.
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