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Everything posted by stc

  1. literally any other venue. would rather go to COTA than far out.
  2. levitation was moved to september. i think this may be a psych fest fall edition or something though. hopefully not at the fucking far out lounge.
  3. more evidence that there is a festival halloween weekend that hasn't been announced...
  4. well, since neil young didn't reschedule any of the texas dates i went ahead and got tickets for denver on labor day. fingers crossed this one actually happens.
  5. stc

    Texas BBQ

    i'm not aware of anything else in the general area, so it's still probably your best bet.
  6. stc

    Texas BBQ

    in my experience, no line. also, there has been a significant drop in quality since brotherton died.
  7. stc

    SXSW 2025

    i've never been to a free day show that actually gives a shit about rsvp's
  8. stc

    Fried Chicken

    went there a couple weeks ago and was unimpressed. chicken was fairly crispy but none of the sauces were good. i find bb.q to be vastly superior for korean chicken.
  9. this place has saved me a few times, it's about the only thing open in alpine on sunday and monday night. it's far from an old fashioned burger place though, more akin to a new school fancy thick burger.
  10. stc

    Texas BBQ

    this place is northeast. they've got a bunch of different types and have always treated me right. https://celebilly.com/
  11. bogo tickets for a bunch of shows using code bringurboo. https://resoundpresents.com/
  12. i was in the mmj presale but got in a bit late. they must've been doing dynamic pricing on the pit tickets...which is complete horseshit. i was pretty excited when moody amphitheater was built but i can't say that i've enjoyed it very much for the shows i've seen there.
  13. concert prices have truly gotten out of control. ticketmaster trying to make us think it's normal to pay $150 for a ticket. was paying it for a while but i've finally started passing on some bands I would've otherwise seen. mmj is the most recent one...$219 pit tickets? fuck you.
  14. freida's enchiladas at texas chili parlor. had been a while, still delicious.
  15. stc

    Led Zeppelin

    saw it last night, thought it was great but a bit long. they also chose a strange place to stop it. definitely a couple of new live videos i hadn't seen before and it was awesome to see (and hear) all of it in IMAX. think i enjoyed the reactions of that studio audience the most...they were not ready to have their dicks rocked off by communication breakdown. i knew page and jpj were studio musicians but i had no idea the number of well known recordings they're on.
  16. stc

    Post Malone

    not really
  17. i appreciate that Real Ale still has 6 packs for <$10. i enjoy their 12 pack ipa sampler except when they're including crash pad in the mix. do not like that one at all.
  18. Always struggle to find a decent place to eat in Trinidad, it's such a depressing town. One year when we stopped they were having a music festival called Trinidaddio that was as sad as you might expect.
  19. back in the early 00's this was my go to cheap hotel. the cab driver would always warn us not to walk around outside the hotel after dark. it was rundown and creepy as fuck back then, i think they said it used to be an orphanage. was shocked to see its current upscale incarnation when i finally made it back to that area in 2022.
  20. the end of their relationship was the genesis of the tom petty song "don't come around here no more". from wikipedia:
  21. life during wartime and naive melody are 2 different songs.
  22. haven't seen the movie but this is the only negative review i've seen. people seem to love it.
  23. you got lucky. the other 3 people i know who tried for tickets were 25,000+ in the queue. everyone was in the waiting room 15 minutes before on sale.
  24. i was 8900 for denver, all that's left is limited view seats behind the stage.
  25. it has to be bots buying all these tickets. there's no way a 20,000 capacity arena is selling out this fast. i've never had trouble getting nin tickets before.
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