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Everything posted by stc

  1. give them a break, they had to figure out how to bring 2 of them back from the dead.
  2. stc


    pedroso's has a new ghost kitchen at dessau/183 by the luby's. ordered on friday night and picked up in 25 mins, very nice. first time having the sicilian style and it was delicious.
  3. any man who wears a visor
  4. my 8 year old 75 lb lab/shepherd mix tore her ccl on sunday night. y'all had any success with a large dog healing from this without surgery? vet says to wait 3-4 weeks and see what happens...
  5. Did some car camping and a 3 night backpacking trip in Colorado last week. Camped on the Conejo River and in Great Sand Dunes NP. Backpacked up to Zapata Lake. Weather was fantastic other than rain/sleet as we were hiking out.
  6. saw amon amarth and ghost in denver last week. great show, ghost fans are a weird bunch but they're really into the show and that's always cool to see. ghost hasn't changed it up much since the tour i saw a year ago.
  7. yes, it's from the berlin wall show. It was a whole production with a lot of guest artists.
  8. stc


    yeah, i've stopped ordering vinyl during the summer for that reason.
  9. stc

    Best Rock Vocalists

    mark lanegan
  10. well, at least the view won't be terrible.
  11. stc

    Best Rock Vocalists

    maynard james keenan
  12. stc

    Pink Floyd

    Rick Wright's first solo album has been remastered and re-released. It's jazzy and mellow, definitely has a PF sound to it. Reminiscent of the stuff from Division Bell. https://www.neptunepinkfloyd.co.uk/rick-wrights-wet-dream-remix-out-july-2023
  13. went ahead and got tickets for flaming lips once i saw they're performing yoshimi in its entirety. last couple of times i've seen them hasn't been very enjoyable but hopefully this one should be better.
  14. ran into some fellow austinites at the funkwerks taproom many years ago. they were there doing research for the brewery they were about to open in austin called adelberts. they were unfriendly assholes and i never drank any of their beer because of that interaction. then they went out of business. fuck you adelberts.
  15. panda bear will put on a good show. that should be a good day of music...unfortunately it's at far out. personally i'll be at stubbs, been wanting to see uncle acid for a long time.
  16. pinthouse burnet hasn't had man o war in several weeks. asked about it last night and was told it may not return. wtf, i like it more than jellyfish.
  17. Her nose gets sunburned. Surprisingly she didn't mind wearing a hat.
  18. stc

    Port Aransas

    just returned from a weekend on mustang island...zero seaweed on the beach but there was quite a bit of tar. was a bitch getting it off my dogs.
  19. stc

    Pink Floyd

    his massive ego is the reason for his reinterpretation. just can't live with the idea that others had creative input into his masterpiece. now it can all be his...
  20. stc


    oddwood pizza is surprisingly good, and so are their salads.
  21. the olds across the street from me installed a video doorbell a few months ago. it is incredibly loud and sensitive. if i walk out my front door i hear "HELLO, YOU ARE BEING RECORDED" blasting from the front porch across the street. this happens every time a person walks by in the street, a car goes by, etc...they must be deaf as fuck for it to not drive them absolutely crazy.
  22. stc

    Texas BBQ

    Hurtado bbq in Arlington. Pork ribs were excellent, perfectly cooked and nicely seasoned with a semi sweet glaze. Brisket was sliced very thick and was a little dry. Brisket tostada was delicious and a great value at $5.50, piled high with chopped brisket. Oaxaca poblano sausage was slightly gamey but not overpowering. Texas twinkie and Mexican cornbread were both good but probably wouldn't get them again. Birria torta was absolutely fantastic. None of the sides were remarkable.
  23. always enjoyed the anchor liberty more than the steam. haven't seen it around austin in years.
  24. in high school i routinely bought weed from an old black man who sat in a lawn chair in his front yard and sold $20 sacks of dirt weed. ferguson/little pocket in dallas. i was a skinny, nerdy white kid and somehow never got rolled.
  25. stc

    Pink Floyd

    Syd Barrett vinyl box set https://thirdmanrecords.com/blogs/news/third-man-records-announces-vault-package-57-the-solo-works-of-syd-barrett
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