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Everything posted by stc

  1. Levitation: Thursday: Mdou Moctar: basically a taureg jamband. they were fine, didn't do much for me. Black Angels: i've been a bit underwhelmed the past couple of times i've seen them but this was a really good set. played all of phosphene dream plus some others. sound was great and the new bass player fit in really well. Friday: Death Valley Girls: completely different lineup than the last time i saw them 6 months ago. they no longer have a guitarist and instead have a saxophone playing the guitar leads. they also added a trio of backup singers. it is not an improvement. thought they were borderline bad with this new lineup. Osees: great as always. so much energy. Saturday: Iguana Death Cult: garage rock/psych from rotterdam. they were very high energy and quite good. reminded me of the viagra boys. their drummer was excellent. Wine Lips: more garage punk/psych with strong osees vibes. fun set. Sunday: The Well: local power trio with sabbath-like riffs and a good dark sound. played a couple of new songs, hopefully a new album soon. Rickshaw Billies Burger Patrol: was great to see them on the big stage at stubb's and clearly a lot of fans turned out. crowd was going nuts during this set. still think they're the best live band in austin. Pentagram: it's a cool backstory but i'm not really into them. they were fine but dragged on a bit. The Sword: hell yes. hope this wasn't just a one off show for them. they rip so fucking hard.
  2. stc

    Pink Floyd

    yeah i was at the show on the 29th. the acoustic addition at the end of high hopes was awesome. sorrow was also incredible. loved when he busted out the lap steel for great gig. knew going in that fat old sun would be the highlight and it definitely was. the crowd in my section was really good and quiet. man, he had some terrible merch.
  3. phil & friends at bonnaroo 2002 is really what got me into the dead. immediately downloaded a shitload of GD shows after that weekend and went down that rabbit hole for a long time. don't listen to them as much these days but still good for a few sessions a year, and tonight will be one of them. thanks, phil.
  4. stc


    spent a lot of time on that baby a's patio drinking $1 dox equis drafts...whatever night of the week that was.
  5. RIP Phil Lesh
  6. they need to eliminate far out as a levitation venue.
  7. stc


    anyone make it to the record convention last weekend? between F1 and the football game i was not about to venture downtown.
  8. saw that sturgill is also going to be at the two step inn festival in georgetown next april.
  9. oh wow, look at all the trouble you went to just to get shit on. you brought this on yourself, i would never attempt such a fruitless labor. no one gives a shit about your beer opinion and i'm not deluded enough to think they would care about mine. congratulations on wasting your time and money in the pursuit of righteous journalism. responses like this are the reason you deserve the shit you get from any and all corners of the internet, because you're a whiny bitch about it just like jeff stuffings. also, i agree that independence isn't good.
  10. you can tell the austin list is bullshit because it doesn't include a single entry from the north lamar taco mile.
  11. it's been a while since i've read the conversations with tom petty book but i believe he mentions losing all of that stuff. master tapes and a couple guitars were the only thing that was spared from his home recording studio.
  12. watching tp go through all his memorabilia and then later realizing all that stuff was lost when someone burned down his house was a sad realization. went to the tom petty day concert yesterday at hotel ella. the damn torpedoes are a really good cover band, i've always had my reservations about seeing them but they were better than i had imagined. the drummer really took it over the top. wouldn't hesitate to see them again.
  13. saw the documentary last night. nothing groundbreaking or new really but it was a nice snapshot of the band. tp still seemed like a really down to earth guy even as a relatively new rock star. they seemed like a group of dudes who were truly doing it for the love of music. this is the best of the covers i've heard, haven't liked any of them all that much.
  14. it's a terrible list but also jeff stuffings seems like he sucks.
  15. stc


    buddy's has a franklin burger special for the month of october that is delicious. double with american cheese, franklin bbq sauce, and crispy fried onions.
  16. big tom petty week. the movie is in theaters this thursday and sunday. sunday is also tom petty day, sun radio playing tp all day and there's a tribute concert at hotel ella from 5-7.
  17. they end up being the opener for a lot of bands i see. they're not bad but it's never really clicked for me.
  18. alessandro cortini last night at central presbyterian church downtown. he's a touring member of NIN and makes ambient electronic music. if you've ever done a sound bath, it was a remarkably similar experience. he layered simple beats and ambient droning noises on top of one another to create very dense soundscapes that ultimately pulsed into a thundering crescendo. there were some abstract trippy visuals in the background but otherwise complete darkness, it was mesmerizing. almost a hallucinogenic feel to the weird zone that your brain goes into listening to that sort of music. i loved it.
  19. same place my hops & grain investment ended up.
  20. they broke up in 2022. levitation is the first show they're playing since the break-up. no idea if it's permanent, haven't seen any other dates announced.
  21. have still seen nothing about jolly pumpkin going out of business.
  22. TX 37 OU 27 tx rush 162 ou rush 150
  23. Levitation I've got: Thur: Strange Lot/Mdou Moctar/Black Angels Fri: Osees Sat: Iguana Death Cult/Death Valley Girls/Wine Lips Sun: The Well/Rickshaw Billies/Pentagram/The Sword
  24. RIP Gothic Crusader
  25. went last saturday. it was the least busy saturday that i've experienced in many years...there were no lines for anything. the card stacker guy in the hall of state is worth checking out, he had completed the ut tower and the cotton bowl, assuming he was going to start working on some sooner shit next. corny dog across from big tex was hot and delicious, birria bomb was great, stuffed wing was excellent, belgian waffle never disappoints. the drone show was cool until it turned into a ford commercial. $4 lone star still exists in the food building and the barn in front of the cotton bowl. start looking down once it gets dark and you'll find some tickets...ground scored $20 worth.
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