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Everything posted by stc

  1. the nude party at antone's. every once in a while you get lucky enough to see a band turn the corner and really come into their own. the last time i saw these guys it was at the electric church playing for about 12 people. last night they sold out antone's and played an exceptional set. they've added a pedal steel player, which fits their sound really well. crowd was super into it and the band sounded great. the opening band, boa, was also worth checking out.
  2. wasting light is by far the better album. i would say concrete and gold is the definition of middle of the road dad rock.
  3. mogwai friday night at emo's. as always, loud as fuck. been a couple years since they came through austin, glad i got to see them. they are masters at building up an atmospheric mood then just punishing the fuck out of you with guitar noise.
  4. if you go to red rocks and don't tailgate in the parking lot before the show, well you have no idea what the fuck you're doing.
  5. mogwai at emo's tomorrow night. been looking forward to this one for months.
  6. stc

    2019 New Music Thread

    the new king gizzard album rips so fucking hard. those songs are going to be incredible live..at stubbs on sept 4.
  7. the growlers in san antonio at paper tiger on friday night. i like that venue a lot, reminds me of old emo's. the growlers in dallas at granada theater on saturday night. this was the best of the 3 shows i saw on this tour. crowd was super into it and the band had great energy. they sounded very good. played a couple new tracks off their album that will apparently be coming out soon. looking forward to that, and hoping they stop in austin on the subsequent tour.
  8. yeah, tool is notorious for filler tracks. that's really my only issue with aenima.
  9. ranking lateralus below opiate and undertow is just flat out wrong.
  10. friday night- buzz electro and rickshaw billies burger patrol at the lost well. that was a fucking rock show. buzz electro is bluesy psych rock. rickshaw billies is heavier and really catchy. recommended. then i went over to empire control room and saw think no think. the drummer from the sword is playing with them now, he's good. i liked their set but feel like i need to hear their new album and be more familiar with the songs to really get into it. saturday night- the well at empire control room. they are a lot of fun, head banging sabbath riffs that dont' get old.
  11. Cell phone pics from backpacking/climbing in Colorado last week.
  12. saw the growlers in denver at the ogden theater last weekend. good venue...austin needs more mid size indoor venues like that. they sounded good just wish they would have played more pre chinese fountain material. they still have the weirdest fan base...teenage girls and 30's men.
  13. the well friday night at barracuda. don't know how i hadn't seen these guys until recently, they are exactly the type of stoner blues rock that i like. love their new album and they were fantastic.
  14. Mastodon last night at cota. It was the perfect July evening for an outdoor concert. They were the opener (wtf) and started at 7:40. It was 83 degrees with a nice cool breeze. Played all of crack the skye plus a few more. Sounded fantastic. The place was not very full, lawn was completely closed...I was the only one on my row in section 203. Left after mastodon and was home before 10pm. On the way back to the car had a few people ask me if the show was already over, they were not happy when they learned mastodon had already played.
  15. Def leppard as the headliner over zz top, ghost, and mastodon. Just not right.
  16. barfly's
  17. stc

    Fried Chicken

    spicy boys is fucking good. had top notch a few weeks ago and it was definitely under seasoned.
  18. can't believe in the year 2019 there is someone earnestly defending korn.
  19. a little more info about celis https://www.brewbound.com/news/celis-brewery-to-be-sold-at-public-auction-on-july-2
  20. for those in austin, there are quite a few sub $20 reserved tickets on stubhub for the mastodon show on tuesday.
  21. Batting practice at Yankee Stadium on Saturday.
  22. Section 215
  23. The man is fucking magic. God damn that was good. Same stories and schtick from when I saw him 5 years ago but whatever, he's almost 80 and still sounds damn good and is playing 3 hour sets.
  24. sebadoh at the parish. mostly went because i love the parish and hadn't been there in a few years because their booking sucks. took a chance, knowing very little about sebadoh. they started off with lou barlow on guitar and lead vocals...his songs were not good. once they switched instruments and the other guy was on guitar and vocals it was much better. still love the parish, the sound there is excellent.
  25. Minolta XE-7 Kodak Gold 200
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