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Everything posted by stc

  1. franconia kolsch was good when it first came out but i haven't thought of them in years. just got back from CO. backcountry pizza in boulder had pliny for president. bierstadt slow pour pils still delicous. brought back a full cooler of shit we can't get in tx...weldworks, la cumbre, bierstadt, trve, etc. also hadn't thought about ska brewing in a long time but it was everywhere.
  2. stc


    billy's, cobra. $4 real ale pints on thursday.
  3. spoon- the way we get by
  4. if you have ghosts with string section and backup singers.
  5. stc

    Pearl Jam

    wow, you're full of shit vedder. he's gone from fighting ticketmaster to defending egregiously high ticket prices. https://www.pearljamonline.it/en/eddie-vedder-on-pearl-jam-ticket-prices-its-essential-for-us-to-at-least-cover-our-costs/
  6. ccr greatest hits was a staple on road trips when i was a kid. was shocked when i learned that ccr was from the bay area and not born on the bayou.
  7. never made it to alamo springs cafe, guess i can mark that one off the to do list. https://www.mysanantonio.com/food/article/alamo-springs-cafe-closes-19612899.php
  8. car lost power and died while cruising north on I-35 through downtown yesterday evening. coasted down the 6th street exit ramp into the chevron there at 6th street and I-35 next to the wendy's. had 2 dogs with us so we couldn't sit in the car because it was hot as hell. as soon as we got out of the car to call the tow truck it was like a scene from night of the living dead with all the homeless zombie people stumbling towards us muttering incoherently. having two 75 lb dogs with us helped, they were definitely wary of the dogs. walked down to the whole foods market at 5th and brushy to wait for the tow truck. was one of the more concerning situations i've experienced in austin in a while.
  9. stc

    Pearl Jam

    stopped at a dispensary in portland back in may. the 20 something girl working there asked what we were doing in town, told her we were there to see pearl jam. her response, "oh, isn't that the monster truck rally?". this is a thing with the youth these days, they've never heard of any bands from the 90's. i think it's partially because they don't listen to the radio. i was jamming led zeppelin and pink floyd by the time i was 13, and those bands were certainly before my time.
  10. my parents recently bought a new microwave and needed help getting rid of the old one. i picked it up for them and noticed it was the same GE microwave i remembered from childhood. the date on the back was 1979...a 45 year old microwave! it still works too, the only reason they got a new one was because the interior light went out.
  11. stc

    Downtown eats

    you haven't done that in a while. post covid they close at 11pm.
  12. any of y'all in austin got a pet sitter you can recommend for 2 large dogs? my parents usually watch them but my mom caught the cancer so i don't want to dump my dogs on them right now. i've used rover a couple times but it's been hit or miss.
  13. saw wand at the parish on friday night. it was the release date for their new album and they played a bunch of new stuff. wish i could've gotten more familiar with the album before seeing them but it was still good. the parish is a strange venue but the sound was good.
  14. i find the string arrangments out of place. they don't fit with the feel of the album imo. it's like the horns on tom petty's southern accents...no need.
  15. been listening to the new sturgill a lot. varies on which song i like the most...scooter blues was an early favorite but gets a little stale with repeat listens. the rest of the songs have been growers. swamp of sadness and jupiter's faerie are the only 2 i don't like at all. best album he's put out since sailor's guide.
  16. went to a Letterman taping in NYC when I was 18 and Mayall was the musical guest. he sat in with the band and they played classic blues songs during all the commercial breaks. it was pretty cool but i definitely didn't apprceciate it enough...needed another 5 years. blues breakers was definitely a regular in my rotation for a while.
  17. stc

    Covers Good and Bad

  18. so many beach smells to roll in.
  19. HIGHWATER is the code but tickets are fucking expensive. gonna wait this one out and hope to pick something up cheap close to the show. don't give a shit about lucinda williams.
  20. stc

    Port Aransas

    Last weekend was one of the best beach trips I've had in a long time. Maybe it was the post hurricane, post holiday weekend but there weren't many people around. Beaches were as clean as I'd seen in years...no seaweed, no tar, no trash. What a great weekend.
  21. stc


    ate at red ash last night after making a reservation like 3 months ago. expensive but the entrees are large enough to easily feed 2 people. the bone marrow risotto was very good as was the frutti di mare. the tiramisu was the largest dessert portion i've ever received at a restaurant. would probably skip the steak trimmings bruschetta next time. easily have enough of everything left over for another meal tonight.
  22. After 17 years of use I finally made my first mod to the wsm and added gaskets around the fuel door and lid. Had noticed some uncharacteristic leakage the last few cooks. Problem fixed, held temp like new. Curious how long it's gonna run before I have to get a new one, I think it's got at least another decade. Anyway, pastrami beef ribs...
  23. stc

    Beef ribs

    Pastrami beef ribs. Ridiculously rich, almost too much really...almost.
  24. was cool seeing tripping daisy in dallas. lots of people turned out and the crowd was super into it, loved seeing all the old tripping daisy shirts. the band also seemed super appreciative. it took them a bit to get warmed up and the first set (elastic firecracker) was pretty loose but it was awesome hearing those songs live. second set was tighter and sounded great. said they're recording a new album this year and will be touring next year, but they didn't play any new stuff.
  25. the sword made it 2 years after their "breakup" before playing this levitation gig. wonder if it's a one off.
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