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  1. just checking out our next BBall coach playing St. Mary's
  2. well you aren't any fun...
  3. Doncid 22/12/12. Bron being out is going to be interesting. Will see how Redick does when Luka gets doubled constantly.
  4. I know I mentioned Heather Thomas but please do not googles her, just remember the early 80's good times and let it be.
  5. walter johnson?
  6. great story. huge Lee Majors fan? or maybe Heather Thomas?
  7. This is way more Beard's and CDC's fault. I don't blame RT in the least. Even though we knew how it would likely end we offered him the contract. Good on RT. I never felt he didn't do everything but the best he could and no stupid platitude shit. Take that University money, you earned it. As they say, timing is everything.
  8. mainly just bustin' your balls. honestly I wouldn't be crazy jazzed with Few mainly because it COULD be perceived as a little bit like a late era money grab(even though he obviously isn't driven by money) but the guy can still coach and has an eye for talent(Moar shooters please!) IMO. He's already done the HCIW apparently so he's either done or he's just willing to let another guy have a shot. that kind of thing isn't really a great sign. He'd be the splash hire though.
  9. What Starts Here, Changes the World
  10. "I'm pissed, I'm stunned, it's Mark Few" - ztejas or somebody
  11. i've been thinking on this as well. To CTJ's point that billionaires didn't get that way by being foolish with money and won't think of a cheap transaction up front means they have bunch of money later...I still think CDC could potentially have kept some of his power dry with that move and contract. he also kept people who liked RT personally happy. he can say he gave him a shot(argue over years all you want but the trend line is NO BUENO). The downside is we got the joy of seeing it all play out as some expected.
  12. I get this thought but I really think it all hinged on that elite eight "run". My sense is CDC really didn't have the right guy on the hook but would have pressed if we bow out in the first or second round. And everyone that mattered liked RT and wanted to give him a chance. The contract of 3M a year said it all though, as it was probably the lowest you could go and not look like it was a buyout waiting to happen. I fully admit I am rationalizing hoping that CDC really didn't WANT to hire Terry. I'm on the periphery of folks that are in the know and I have already heard the spend less on the coach and more on NIL since you have to reload every year anyway(and also add Toppin would have made a huge difference....right). I want to slap my forehead because that is the exact opposite of the situation. you need a guy who can coach balls out, whip guys in to shape, and has a real implementation plan because he's going to be dealing with a new team every year(maybe 2). It is more like the NBA than it has ever been. Having a system and ability to integrate players into that system is going to be the most valuable commodity. ISO is not a system, IMO.
  13. I was talking about Bowels piping up on the NC ST coach getting fired after going to the final 4. still waiting on that article excoriating NCST. but yeah, Bowels is a complete fuckwad dumbass. I'm old enough to remember we had to "hire Terry before somebody else does" just 2.5 short years ago. It is hard to believe that people pay that midget. Don King definitely applies here.
  14. when that shit is going in you are done. getting worked. we have a major hole that is gonna be a problem. too funny they call that foul now with a minute left.
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