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Everything posted by dcar00

  1. Indiana(and maybe Texas) is open. errrrybody getting raises/extensions
  2. "I don't think you really get a massage as much as you really experience one" - someone, someone, Justin Tucker
  3. you will get this and like it
  4. well when I was a kid they had this guy
  5. In best AI voice "we talkin' bout assistants...really..here?..assistants, I mean we talkin' bout assistants, really?"
  6. Lebron with the unusual double double 40/11....
  7. possible but I think they would have had another 5-8 years in them. Zeppelin vs. Hair Metal would have been glorious.
  8. yeah, in the middle of the 4 year olympic gap seems right. kinda ryder cup-ish.
  9. someone else mentioned him upthread but this was going to be my out of the box contribution as well. I think that guy had "it" though the only way he was gonna make it was to get sober and that might have changed things. I always wonder with the "died way to early" types if the genius and the drugs had to be in combination. Hendrix is the most obvious. the most disappointing to me is Bon Scott. what AC/DC REALLY could have been... Bonham is the ultimate tragedy - stopped the greatest rock band of all time in its tracks.
  10. you knew that was gonna happen after we had 3 chances.
  11. I missed this. who was saying it was?
  12. so is this an every year thing?
  13. or the Orenthals
  14. every NBA GM owes Nico a shitload of money. they can make nearly any trade and can always say "hey at least you didn't get Nico'd". he set the bar so low(or is it high?) it is like the ultimate GM 'Get out of Jail Free" card.
  15. on second thought, it's possible Few could be a little more surly in his older age and god knows that FCB and Kurt would test the shit out of his west coast calm demeanor.
  16. Mark Few was in until this...
  17. gotta love Ruth's socks. "F it, I'm Babe F'in Ruth".
  18. maybe he looked up Mat Pnight
  19. Nico and ownership didn't want the fire from a publicly known "willingness" to trad Doncic. so they gave him away for an oft injured C/PF(with a nickname of street clothes, who is, shocker, already out for a month+) and a 1st round pick. TLDR: He(and Dumont) are pussies.
  20. The thing about this is not so much that they traded Luka it is what they got for him in return. absolute malpractice regardless of his conditioning and shape at age 25. what they got for him is what you get when he is 35 not 25. the one thing I will say about Luka that always frustrated me was his FT shooting. he should be shooting over 80% and it seemed to me at least that he never really worked on it.
  21. c'mon man. nobody wants the uber driver knowing about your sidepiece... but seriously if you are over 25 it is absolutely an IQ test.
  22. Tyrese needed a fresh start...I'm not sure Tyrese has the numbers he has now in Terry's "offense".
  23. the hip bone's connected to the groin bone, the groin bone's connected to the...
  24. this. the first 10 years of Barnes is something I think is absolutely what you can replicate currently at Texas. you really need a guy who is going to win 11-13 games a year in conference. averaging 11 would be nice. if you do that you will have a high seed because you can work the OOS in your favor some. If your goal is to win it all some day and be in the top 15 type of program, you really need to average about a 4 seed. you can't do that going .500 or sub .500 in conference. below 4 seeds have won the tournament a total of 3 times. the 6 seed has basically a .500 record in the tournament, meaning they only hit a 50% clip of getting to the sweet 16. I think Terry is an average P4 coach, not good, not bad. I don't think he is a guy that is going to consistently put together teams that will win double digit conference games. It just isn't in his history.
  25. yeesh. the big time got to him.
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