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Everything posted by dcar00

  1. ha ha. that could have been a block in the back on the first defender but fuck Kirby.
  2. ha ha. no facemask, no DPI...
  3. this. refs have basically ignored it because they don't have a good way of defining it. of course, some douchenozzle small town Texas Big 12 ref will call it against us to prove he knows the rulebook. I'm almost to the point they should just stop calling holding altogether. scores will be 77 to 68 but at least it will be fair.
  4. I'm good if they don't call it all game since Kirby started that shit. keep doing it and fuck Kirby.
  5. Penn State with the walk to the final..
  6. holy shit. a) how is he not fast enough to get there being unblocked b) how do you not know how to layout in front of the leg TWICE
  7. you know the answer to that.
  8. that is a fumble but Big 12 gonna Big 12. will see how consistent they are with that DPI call all game.
  9. this is a good question. NCAA should define what it means for targeting to be a post possession foul. If he isn't on the ground with the ball when the hit takes place he can't be deemed to have possession.
  10. yes. it has to be a drop kick.
  11. It was the last game of the season and I don't think a win or loss mattered to NE.
  12. it is difficult if the defensive player moves and "barks" at the same time. there is a reason for the rule.
  13. well good for dillingham/skittercat coming up with something new vs. "stomach bug".
  14. there was one where both the guard and tackle moved at the exact same time. Goosby was pointing at their players. I'm sure that one was disconcerting signals. I think this is going on a lot and officials defer to the false start way too much. This is something(like offensive holding and defensive(DB)holding) refs need to nip in the bud early in the game. we were doing a lot better the last few games on the false starts.
  15. the off safety baited him into that but yeah the bold is the problem a lot on his deep balls.
  16. outside zone is the staple of his offense and what everything is built off of. if we can't run OZ it is usually going to be a long day against good teams. Our D has given Sark cover that our run game is suspect against good fronts. suspect meaning we can get shut down sub 80 yards. I wonder if Williams being out is a problem. Goosby seems good but not sure about run block v pass block. sans the first Georgia game, Quinn/Sark have been able to ham and egg it pretty good with the running game.
  17. dcar00


  18. that can't be real but LOL on "costed".
  19. In the last 40 years we've had 6 top 5 finishes. Ewers is/will be the QB for 2 of them. since Street it is VY, Colt, then Quinn. of course just for completeness, AppleSimms is in front of all 3 of them.
  20. we had one where our OL(can't remember which one) spun our RB around to get him to the EZ. maybe 5 or 6 years ago? I want to say it was during Herman years.
  21. I expect some revisionist history to come out that he was dealing with a "stomach bug" there was a lot of "discussion" from Tessidiotore and the Bachelor that Zippitydoodah might have a conditioning issue because ASU hadn't needed him in the 4th the last few games. yeah right, sure Superman has a "conditioning issue". They were covering for an obvious concussion that they never even postulated could have been the problem.
  22. occam's razor...Big10 officials wanted ASU v. Ore/tOSU and some incompetence of course. but we kept fucking up in all phases to give them a chance to fuck with the outcome. who were the booth refs?
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