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Everything posted by Mapache

  1. Such hypocrisy
  2. Groveling, spineless and desperate
  3. The evil, narcissistic fuck is trying to buy votes now
  4. Awesome ! Vote him Out !
  5. This wont help with the Puerto Rican vote in Florida. I used to live in Puerto Rico and they don't care for the "pretentious" Miami Cubans.
  6. Fuck these hypocrites, none of them have a shred of integrity
  7. If you want to align yourself with filthy, racist pigs then trump is your man.
  8. If anyone deserves to burn in hell its that evil fuck McConnell
  9. The fucker is desperate, throwing out free money to Puerto Rico so the Boricuas in Florida and the olds might still vote for his pathetic ass...sad
  10. Ouch....Trump won't like this one
  11. I hope the Puerto Rican voters in FL don't fall for this bullshit move and vote him out
  12. That's one thing I have in common with the Dotard, we are both disgusted by his supporters (second clip).
  13. Just look at that smug sonofabitch. I would love to smack that stupid, shit eating grin off his face.
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