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  1. OK.. So what does it mean? Tell me how Trump broke the law. Just once? What has Trump done that has broken the law, Not what you think , but what you can prove!!!
  2. OK Henry I'll Bite: If this is such a super secret why are you telling everyone on the board about it? Wow.. are you Secret Service? I am so impressed.
  3. Well, we will see. I can't believe that you took the time to go back and neg every single post I made tonight. You really should charge me some rent. How bout 5$ a post.
  4. Well I guess this is where are. I have given a little of my self here, how bout you tell me where you are coming from? I can't believe that all you have for your cause is "fuck you with a chainsaw". Yuk Yuk
  5. You are so smart with that quote. I wish I could be half as smart as you.
  6. Well. Show some proof that I am a liar. If not you are an asshole who just jumps into threads where he feels safe that no one will fight back because you have smarter people than you covering your back. ????
  7. Yes I am. I thought my last reply to you would have clued you in to what I am actually about. Trump is a tool. Useful at the moment. I just disagree with a movement that seems to be trying to sweep the USA away.
  8. Let me try and say something as important as your last reply.... You are a douche.
  9. There is no recording of the conversation. So a "transcript" in this case is 5 people with pad and paper. After the call they all get together and combine their notes. That becomes the "transcript". Are you calling all 5 of those folks liars?
  10. OK.. Reaching.. If that was all I had I would be a little concerned.
  11. Who are these people and when would they testify? The same people that heard the Ukrainian call live and didn't have a problem with it and didn't file a whistleblower complaint? You guys are reaching. Reaching so bad.
  12. Neither was Christine Blasey Ford.
  13. Circumstantial evidence is all you and all the jackasses that you appear to lead (with a little help from Hugo) appear to have. What do you really think is going to happen? I will tell you what I think is going to happen. 1. Trump will get Impeached in the House. 2. Trump will get acquitted in the Senate. 3. Trump will get re-elected by about a 70-30 margin in 2020. What happens after that I guess is up to the knuckleheads everywhere in the country. The majority of the people in this country are not ready for socialism or globalism. To effect globalism you must bring down the USA not raise up the rest of the world. It is impossible. Even the most deplorable citizens of the USA know they it have better than most of the world. You are not gonna convince them otherwise.
  14. There might be a busted water pipe in the hall way to the windowless room. No proof it's raining outside?
  15. OK.. You're not really going that way are you? The last President to get Impeached was indicted for lying about a blow job. A blow job!!! If he had just told the truth we were ready to forgive him. What's that old saying? The cover up is usually worse than the crime. Some people just can't change their nature.
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