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Everything posted by Crusher

  1. Seems like the OP has a hard on for Houston. Like we are a bunch of Aryans or something. Should learn a bit about Houston before he goes blowing shit about the Bayou City.
  2. And what the hell is wrong with Hawaiian day? Hawaiian isn't even a race it's a state. Other states have Texan day or Western day. Bunch of idiots with horribly shaped hats doesn't bother me in the least.
  3. He's done now..
  4. According to statements from MHS, this particular day had not been approved by school officials. Students reportedly changed “jersey day” to “thug day,” according to Heavy.com.
  5. Which High School was this?
  6. Astros bats have been hot during this 8 game winning streak. I can't believe that Porcello is the one who dumped water on them.
  7. This is supposed to reflect badly on Houston? Over 100 High Schools in Harris County. So, 1% of all the Harris County High Schools acted like idiots because they are in fact 14-18 yro idiots and we are supposed to believe the sky is falling with racists in Houston? Jeez..
  8. It ain't over yet. IG report is still coming. Barr is doing his own investigation. Shit is coming down now.
  9. Yeah.. With an AG that her back all the way. Wow it seems like I am living the same day over and over again...
  10. That's a great ideal. Let's treat Hillary like they have been treating Trump.
  11. You can stop right there. Is he a Russian Agent? If you say yes your fucked.
  12. I'd like to have a 12" cock with about 3" girth.
  13. You are getting a little bit nutty now. $$$$$$ That's what it's about. If you can't make a deal with China you might need the Russians?
  14. “Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” Governments all over the world do this all the time. The USA has made a living off of it. Have you ever heard of a little Govt org called the CIA?
  15. Again "we have no proof of a crime" What are you going to impeach him for? Because I don't like him? I don't think that will work... Good luck?
  16. "A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts but we will put this bullshit statement in here anyway because we have no proof".
  17. “Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” I guess I read some of it.
  18. I have. It says the same thing I just said above.
  19. Well just take your ball and go home you little bitch. You can't win.
  20. In the same regard. I don't think I read anywhere in the report that Mueller said he was guilty of treason?. Did it? No!! Did it say he was a Russian agent? Did it? No!! Did it say that Trumps campaign was working with the Russians? Did it? No!! You need to wake up .
  21. People on this board have been all about the collusion and conspiracy aspect before the Mueller Report came out. Calling Trump a Russian Agent. A Manchurian Candidate. That shit is just not true. I have always argued against that bullshit. That was my main concern. Now if you want to pivot to obstruction because Mueller didn't make a call that's your choice. Barr did and I am ready to move on. That's it.
  22. So you agree that Trump is guilty of obstruction? No I do not. He used all the powers granted to him via the Office of the President to defend himself from a false accusation of a crime. A crime that theoretically could result in his death if proven true. But you disagree with the Mueller Report's findings that the Kremlin's efforts were "wide" and "sweeping?" No. I think I said just the opposite. Maybe reread that portion. You agree that they knew help was coming and welcomed it. I don't think they knew it was coming but, yes they welcomed the help. The Russians exposed a fraud named Hillary and as I said above this could have definitely won the race for Trump. Russia, are you listening? Meh..I don't think the Russians hold Surly in high enough regard to be listening in on us...:) Yeah, but everyone sucks so nothing matters. Well do you agree that the dossier was funded by a cut out law form funded by the DNC ? That is fact. Christopher Steele himself admits that the dossier was Russian intelligence? Possible Russian disinformation to hurt Trump to cover their ass whoever won the vote. It was used to hurt Trump in the latter stages of the election cycle.. There is a middle ground here that I think we all can deal with.
  23. Yes, they are very easy to spot.
  24. Well, I asked a question to Wildcat why he felt that way because I don't know. Asking questions and getting answers is how people in the normal world get informed.....?
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