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Everything posted by Crusher

  1. Haven't we been through this bullshit before? Just cause you believe it doesn't make it true. Try your best Hugo... You will not destroy what happened today. 48-45 and 3-1 and Welcome Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. So get used to it.
  2. Nobody ever said he was... That is you guys made up bullshit.
  3. YES... Perfect day in the bank.... I don't what else to but
  4. C'mon Jake I believe in buddy!!!
  5. OK..Should we get technical here or just placate this guy for a bit?
  6. OK … Fair trade I guess. Clinton was puss hound and didn't ever really try to hide it. Let me introduce.... Judge Kavanaugh. He is young and in good heath and will be ruling on Supreme Court for decades to come.
  7. Thankyou..Thankyou… Thankyoui
  8. I beg to differ..read his post as I just did? "I learned a long time ago that my beliefs will never be represented in government. " That is exactly what he said. And BTW who are you ,his mom? Let the man answer the question.
  9. Dude that is fucked up. So you have never been proud to be an American or felt that the representatives of the USA represented your interests on a global stage?
  10. God please make this perfect day... amen and thank you for putting my asshole on the other end my body far away from my nose.
  11. any ways Astros lead..
  12. well fuck again
  13. I like Gattis.. C"mon you suspiously looking like a guy who slay a tall stack pancakes in one sitting. Get a hit
  14. fuckin time delay..
  15. he would if he was bat..
  16. Correa fixin to go yard.. Book it
  17. Really...You wanted Kavanaugh confirmed ? That is what happened today. If that is the case keep doing what you are doing. It seems to help us.
  18. I'm waiting. I'll just sit here and watch the Astros. But, yall go ahead..
  19. Well here's a song for all whiners..... Listen to this ...pick yourself up, wipe yourself off and then change your underwear. Damn quit pissing yourself...
  20. I didn't create the field. it just happens to be the one I am playing on.
  21. I think he got a little taste of losing at A&M, Why do you think bailed on those goat fuckers..
  22. Facts..LOLOLOLO.. Go back through this whole thread and you will not find anything resembling a fact from these guilty until proven innocent guys.
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