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Everything posted by Crusher

  1. Well just look at 'em. Begging to be tossed. Giant beer in one hand , Yankees hat on backwards (speculation) and wearing a Yankee's jersey. What else do you need to surmise that this guys is an asshole?
  2. If I was pitcher in the MLB my book would say for Alvarez: Fastball for a strike and junk, junk, junk....ad nauseum.
  3. Alvarez, fuck man!!! Three times in row. Get up there ready to swing the stick.
  4. hahahahaha!!
  5. They are doing him too many favors. He walked two in a row earlier and then the next three batters swung at every piece of shit he tossed up. Paxton has grooved two first pitch 95 mph fast balls right down the middle of the plate the last two times to Alvarez and he just stood there looking at them. For the rest of the at bats Alvarez saw nothing but junk. Be ready next at bat.
  6. Way to go Jake!!!
  7. They still had a good run going. Were damn near the first team to 50 wins even with all the injuries. Guess the pitching has finally caught up to the new guys. Altuve is back … Just saw a clip of Springer in AAA smashing a homer. Just relax. it's a long ass season.
  8. Maybe not..6'4"
  9. Little man ? Trump is like 6'4". How tall are you ?
  10. LOL... The 4 links in the OP? What a douche.. lol.
  11. OK no. That is what I thought. Is your only purpose in life to wait until you see me posting and throw out some ridiculous argument against me. Listen to the pod cast and then tell me I'm wrong about the topic. Geeze.
  12. Of course it will not be in our life time. But the fact that people like you exist tells me that it is too late. We are done.
  13. Have you even bothered to listen to the Pod casts that were the initiator of this thread?
  14. You do realize that there are no more countries when true globalism takes effect?
  15. Thank you sir for reminding me. Mrs Huckabee winds up being the next Governor of Arkansas.. I mean Jesus..That's where the Clintons got their start.
  16. Thoughts after part 2: Gas Taxes in France. Why? Where's the money going? Le Pen? Why are these people even being listened to? Because the pendulum has swung to far away from their beliefs. Areas of France, other regions worry that their life is done. Because they cannot compete with EU restrictions.
  17. This is not proper thought. The only way we can have one world government is to destroy nationalism. That means you and your offspring have to suffer. They have to suffer until we are all equal. Then we are done.
  18. Well Huckabee doesn't look like any of those former Prom queens. Why would you think that Trump would hire from a pool of babes?
  19. OK. Listened to part one. First thing that grabbed me was when she visited the USA she was amazed at the number of US flags she saw. She remarked that was not something you see in Germany. Well maybe because the last time Germany got loose and was trying to spread its brand of German Nationalism it resulted in the death of approximately 85 million people? The USA is not the same. Secondly. I don't think Europe trusts an EU dominated by Germans. They do have reasons to distrust. Especially the Brits. Lastly, Hitler couldn't pull it off but the EU has finally allowed Germany to pull off Hitler's dreams. German dominance of the European continent. They did it without a shot being fired.
  20. Well it's over 120 minutes of listening first off. You only assigned it to us yesterday. I thought I could spread it out over the next couple days until our next class Professor? Have I woke up in some weird time loop? Fuck I am back in college. Am I naked in class as well as unprepared?
  21. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-attacks-iran-crew/iran-sends-team-to-tanker-in-gulf-to-see-if-rescued-crew-can-return-tasnim-idUSKCN1TF1D1 Iran checking on seaworthiness of one of the damaged tankers to see if rescued crew can return.
  22. It's a damn shame what happened to Inwood. When I was moving back to Houston about a decade ago I was looking for a house close to work and in the Heights or just outside the 610 loop in the 290 area. I had lived in the Heights just after college and starting my career and loved it in that area of Houston. After looking a bit online for a house in the Heights I was out. Just too expensive for the amount of house you would get. So I started looking outside the loop in Inwood. There were 5 bedroom 2 story houses with a pool going for 95k to 105K? I was like WTF is going on here? Looking into a bit more I found out why. Horrible crime rates. Horrible schools. Apparently a bunch of apartments were built all around the subdivision and the new members of the neighborhood were basically using Inwood as their own personal Walmart. Need a new TV just go to Inwood and grab what you want. It ran all the remaining residents out and up 290 to the Jersey Village and Cypress areas. Don't really go to that area now. Not sure how it is going or if it has changed.
  23. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/iran-fast-boats-preventing-towing-of-damaged-altair-tanker-source/ar-AACT4JC?ocid=spartandhp Iranian Fast Boats in standoff with tugs trying to tow one of the damaged tankers.
  24. I mean maybe? I am glad that you are so confirmed in your convications?
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