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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Celery Man last won the day on December 24 2019

Celery Man had the most liked content!


21,175 Surly 1%


About Celery Man


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    girthiest dick

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  1. I just saw a picture of him as a little kid with a Mohawk, and that tracks 100%. World’s strongest Mohawk kid energy.
  2. or curse allah and see how long the broadcast stays up
  3. I’m actually curious if they touch on the Shifty Shellshock performance. I can’t imagine that they would really do that but it went kinda viral and then he died.
  4. Not sure if this is new, but Michael Lemmo just posted about it on Netflix and now it’s in the queue… Well I guess it is new https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81979064?s=i&trkid=0&vlang=en
  5. What the fuck is going on? I take a small break and Oregon’s corpse is being dragged through the streets
  6. I have a set in my drawer. Maybe I’ll pick a victim and restring.
  7. keep my job, get the littlest into a cheaper daycare, the whole market to not shit itself, I need to diversify from aapl
  8. Was hoping to see an L-5 like Maybelle Carter’s. Although that’s an archtop so there’s probably complicated math.
  9. wait, so this is still a mystery, what the dream guitar you're expecting is?
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