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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. i'm getting poop pills, which is better than the game
  2. jesus christ it is entirely political ads
  3. lets take this fucker all the way back
  4. I love this team
  5. good start good start lets go motherfuckers
  6. I haven’t read the wsj in a minute and I suppose anything goes under opinion but it would be sad if they’ve fallen to this as as their standard.
  7. Going to a concert with lawn seats - what’s your rec on a folding chair? Priorities are probably comfort durability and ease of packing/carrying, but just rec the one you like.
  8. i shouldn't assume that the tone of the above comment will convey - I'm joking. Do you think that this is a serious news story? Does the format of this article resemble news reporting to you? As you read it, does it strike you as serious fact based unbiased investigative reporting? Is this article similar to most of the things that you read? Did you find this as you perused the celebrity pages on MSN or from some other source? Do you think that people who get their news from the New York TImes rather than however you got this news have more bias in their news diet than you?
  9. daily texan is for serious news - this is an entertainment/celebrity article per MSN
  10. Anyone remember Bedouin? I think he stopped posting after they caught the Golden State Killer.
  11. Wait Rocco was old? Hahahahaha
  12. Early voting started today in NC. Felt good to vote against all these pieces of shit.
  13. The point that it is an incredible run is true, and that it is difficult to attribute to luck (even though people are far too hesitant to give luck its due when understanding success generally) is true. I think I can make sense of Musk if it’s…. he had some vision and drive and work ethic and hit the jackpot on PayPal, giving him the added benefit of wealth. And then on top of that the vision to either bring in or attach himself to the right people to make cool shit happen. and then he huffs his own farts, dates and is dumped by one of the stupidest people on the planet, fails at fatherhood when his daughter comes out as trans and gets completely red pilled and all he has left is money and idiots.
  14. It’s been a second and a half since I’ve fucked around with it but I’ve several times created virtual machines running Ubuntu. Once it’s up and running it’s fairly straightforward. I’m sure if you’re doing tons of power user shit in Windows changing your habits may be hard, but also if you were doing that you’d probably know what to expect.
  15. It would make sense if part of Musk’s ability early on was bringing in smart people. A big part of his success is the cult of personality he built around himself and the hype that was able to generate for projects he was involved in. He’s lost that because he started to believe his own bullshit about himself and there’s nothing that will make you stupid (and an asshole!) quicker than being certain you are right all the time about everything, especially if you have people surrounding you encouraging you to feel that way. But those people are rarely smart and it is impossible to work with the smartest people if you insist on being smarter than them.
  16. Right as I suggested before you can’t just cherry pick comments from a massive forever lasting conversation and then act like the only person in the room not eating crayons. Billionaire Defended image memes exist in the context of this thread. Sure people are hyperbolic with some of the statements about how little Elon did. If you engage in the conversation the assumption is going to be that you’re engaging in the conversation.
  17. The thing that people are arguing or that has been suggested from a number of different sources throughout this thread and elsewhere is that he brought money and marketing and probably some vision early on at places like Tesla and SpaceX, but the smart people with the degrees and expertise drove most of the actual innovation. Then he got brainworms, started huffing his own farts, fired all the experts and brought in the meme team, and now with total creative and executive control he’s bringing us the Cybertruck and X. Are you able to follow that?
  18. I guess - this particular thread in this conversation didn’t fall out of a coconut tree. I’m not deeply familiar with the history of either Tesla or SpaceX but I’m not sure you’re making much more of a substantive argument that Elon being around and nominally in charge through the growth = Elon is responsible for the success than the folks who are arguing some version of the opposite. I would guess one might argue that he never cared about the business success of Twitter, but he’s tanked that by 75% and I don’t think I’m looking through shit colored glasses when I see his meddling as being very harmful to Tesla. I could be wrong. To whatever degree he was a genius and business visionary 10 years ago his story now is proof that people can change.
  19. I’ll get in trouble trying to make football analogies but i think it’s more like understanding Jon Gruden as a Super Bowl champion head coach. Framing this 446 page conversation as hurr durr billionaire bad is reductive on your part but do you.
  20. How do you think Elon’s stewardship since being redpilled have impacted the affinity that customers have for the products of Tesla and Twitter and that investors have for those businesses?
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