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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. spotify just put DBT's cover of "Mama Bake a Pie" and Dress Blues back to back, and that's a whammy of a couple of songs. but also this line is the kind of line that is just so perfect all by itself and one of the reasons Isbell is such a great songwriter - "American boys hate to lose"
  2. Loving it so far but obviously, new toy. I'm basically on vacation until the 9th so I'll have to try and put together some sounds or something. But I'm digging this a lot, it's doing the tele things that I never quite loved from my old one.
  3. Yup. I had been wanting to modify or replace my telecaster, and the Isbell tele got lodged in my head after the dnc performance and some of the discussion here.
  4. I never realized until now how absurdly heavy my other telecaster is. Twin House in Carrboro (which is an even smaller hippie town next to Chapel Hill) is a really cool shop, they didn't offer much for my 2012 American Ash Deluxe so now I have two proper teles. And I need to either sell the other telecaster or get new pups in it because this one does sound just much better. I'm not way into relic stuff but I do love the feel of this, and the kinda... non shininess already dinged up-edness of the whole thing. Can't get a good picture of the neck, but I'm sure I'll do a whole burst picture or something. Happy about this.
  5. Unfortunately there are only SIMPLER methods to learning bass.
  6. was someone looking for a stratosonic? It’s back? https://www.fender.com/en-US/squier-electric-guitars/stratocaster/paranormal-strat-o-sonic/0377035507.html
  7. yeah this is where i got the "stolen car" thing from but in retrospect the above is likely correct.
  8. Boyfriend had domestic violence charges against daughter who is abandoning her children to drive to the northern border with him in a stolen car after leaving a crazy note on either post-its or Manila paper. Drugs. Her mom was probably freaking out because she’s always freaking out because her daughter is an addict doing addict things and that will make you crazy and hysterical, especially if you’re already weird and crazy to begin with.
  9. It’s $300 to put it through the plek machine at Sweetwater. I think that’s something they offer on every guitar. Gibson has a bunch of plek machines they use to do a pass on the frets in production - not sure if they use that on the jumbos or whatever but I think any new standard and above Les Paul goes through that. so I never heard of this store in Carrboro near Chapel Hill but it seems interesting https://www.twinhousemusic.com/fender-jason-isbell-custom-telecaster-rosewood-3-c.html
  10. unless the boyfriend is also a woman brenna was alive when this note was written wait wtf am i looking at. ❤️ morgan? are the charges being faced by the boyfriend "impersonating a woman's note leaving style"?
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Brown_(judge)
  12. when i read into her story a bit and saw that she spent a long time as basically a busking street person, her whole aesthetic kinda clicked i am curious what the deal is with her tooth - how much of it is affectation and how much of it is... orthodontic
  13. Even odds something bad happened or the elder Mrs Swindell is certified and should get a jitterbug.
  14. Pick up strats at guitar stores until you have to keep one.
  15. It works really well with kings Hawaiian rolls - if I use the martins ones again I’m going to toast them in the oven because the “sheet” was coming apart. But yeah I love that approach for sliders - squeeze the meat between two quarter sheets and cook it all together.
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