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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. these two things can't exist together. unless what you're saying is that his whole thing on this website is a bit. to be clear, because I have in this thread pointed out how effectively the GOP and its followers have diminished Christianity and acted as servants to a totally different biblical character than Jesus Christ - you can be Christian and do all kinds of heinous shit, as we've seen.
  2. I saw Prometheus in theaters before I ever saw the other Alien movies. And then I watched Alien and Aliens each once, and that’s the extent of my exposure to the Aliens franchise. I decided to see a movie today and picked this with no other advance knowledge about it - this was super fun. Enjoyed. How did these little jabronis get a ship in the first place though?
  3. I can do $500, surly special
  4. I need to sell our snoo start my new job and sell my old telecaster. I’m talking myself into this. Might need to find it locally though, this might be a covert buy.
  5. ‘86 Gibby. Page one post one of the guitar pron thread 😃
  6. it's crazy how much damage the republican party has managed to do to christianity where jesus freak stuff now means being entirely at odds with the teachings of jesus
  7. I'm highly targeted by vans because they are my favorite toddler shoe. These ones are much closer to the right shade. I was getting tempted by those killshots again even though I've sworn off of Nike's narrow ass shoes https://www.vans.com/en-us/shoes-c00081/lowland-leather-comfycush-shoe-pvn000bwbc9j man wtf is up with that issue of the alcalde
  8. I’ve been kinda thinking of replacing my tele at some point. The one i have is fine but isn’t special. I might get curious. The Isbell one doesn’t have a big dumb signature on it somewhere does it?
  9. I think that that is correct. S is the slim version of the latest gen xbox. But I'm not a real gamer. I'm still on my new playthrough, and have stopped doing story missions after the first one at Clemens Point. It is the best camp. I've been fully upgrading the camp, doing all of the Pearson crafting, doing the legendary animals etc, going to make this my master save for if I want to fuck around as Arthur. I didn't totally rush my first playthrough, but it is interesting this time around to just be taking my time, going slow, and spending some time sitting around the campfire and playing poker with the gang. Micah is still in Strawberry, fuck that guy.
  10. ok bought one of those poncho western shits and put "surlyhorns.com" in the "how did you hear about us" field because I am a patriot
  11. Poncho shirts - their market is surly type dudes so I assume the regular shirts are fairly forgiving. I’m not a great big fat dude but I’m also not a rock hard abs guy at 6’ 180, I’m assuming large is probably my fit but curious if there are comments on fit or length. I have a long torso and hate it when shirts like this are too short, so considering an xl slim instead. I want to learn about the marketing of these shoes. It seems like they went from nowhere to the ubiquitous new crocs for middle aged men in the span of 2 years.
  12. I missed this. Quoting so maybe you'll see it. You need to do the fucking thing, man. You're floating aimlessly because you're fucked up on substances and nobody can really aim all that well when they're fucked up on substances. I'd love to talk at length about the purpose thing but really - there's no purpose dude. As a homo sapien your purpose is to get loved, make more, try and stay alive. As a tiny little speck of dust in the galaxy, if you think that there is a special purpose with your name stamped on it, you really shouldn't have any issue with the whole God thing in AA just so long as you can admit you ain't him. As someone who dreamed of being a rockstar and then wasn't, I'll tell you that the trap is not knowing what your new dream is and so doing nothing at all. Pay less attention to the destination and make sure you're going on a journey - move your feet, take the fork, keep moving, you'll get somewhere worthwhile. But not if you're all fucked up. I'm spoilering the next bit because it's just a tired crazy longcat thing, like some guy giving a talk at a meeting with no prep or even narrative planned. I probably shouldn't even post it, I'm just kinda letting it out.
  13. Oh man dorm room 12 string…
  14. I would want one of those mustache gibsons if they weren't 12 billion dollars each. Beautiful guitars. That OOO tanned up! I have my rosewood J45 and my HD28 on the wall right now, I do still just mostly pick up the 28 or the 41 most of the time. I should pull my OOO15M back out. I've been a bit of bluegrass (not seriously, but a bit) as well as writing more "strum loud and shout" type songs, which I want a dreadnought for. So the 15 has been away, but it is such a great guitar and such an inviting one to play. Martin is like Rolex in that... it's synonymous with the thing, it's maybe even overrated in that respect, but also they just no doubt make some of the best guitars on the planet and are incredibly consistent. The acoustic that I'm really missing in my collection is a D18.
  15. Uh so I’ll make a lot of Chinese fried chicken recipes (sesame, orange, etc) by just buying chick fil a and giving them a quick toss in the sauce.
  16. Prime meridian, chop an end off, peel the first couple layers off, chop the other end off, radial longitudinal cuts and then rotate and cut straight latitude. Repeat with other side. Skip the latitude cuts if you just want to julienne the onion. wife gives me shit because I take forever cooking new recipes. I just can’t hold anything in my head with confidence for very long, I’m constantly double checking my steps. If it’s something I make a lot, at some point I just know it and am quick. I’ll say the other thing - I blame watching kids while I’m trying to grill but I have a much lower success rate on the grill than the stove. I think I’m bad at understanding the heat management of my Weber spirit, stuff doesn’t get cooked as thoroughly as I’m hoping.
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