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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. There have been changes in bracing and placement, "forward shifted" versus not forward shifted, etc over the years, and so this description of the difference is only mostly correct So, Martin introduces the D28 in the 1930s. It has certain characteristics and herringbone purfling around the top of the guitar. WWII breaks out and the herringbone goes away because that part came from Germany, and around the same time they switch from scalloped bracing to straight bracing. In the 1970s, a market has developed for pre-war Martins and so Martin figures out how to make a pre-war spec 28 and also realize that the bracing shifted towards ths soundhole in this period. So they introduce the HD-28, which has scalloped and forward shifted bracing, as well as the herringbone detail on the top of the guitar, meant to have the more open and dynamic sound of pre-war Martins. People also still love the tight and powerful sound of the 1950s Martins and so the D-28 remains on the market. The D41 came out in the late 60s. I'm not sure the exact timeline of that model, but generally speaking (and for sure true of bogey's as well as mine from 2001) it is highly similar to an HD-28 with different cosmetic appointments and with wood pulled from a higher graded stack. Scalloped bracing, forward shifted, spruce (for sure sitka, not sure when they switched from east coast appalachia adirondack to pacific northwest sitka) top, east indian rosewood back and sides. Abalone on the top, fretboard, headstock, and string pins. Cool looking pattern inlay on the back strip. The D45 in comparison has abalone on the back and sides as well as the top, and is pretty identifiable by the abalone outlining the part of the fretboard that sits on the body. The wood is graded visually, I don't know exactly what characteristics they look for in the spruce to be rated more highly. Curious what the ebony is like these days on standard d/hd28s vs d41s, wouldn't surprise me if the 40 series Martins get the jet black and the 28s have a bit of white on them.
  2. the engineer who thought to describe the loose wiper problem as an automated system for airspeed based aerodynamic optimization didn't buy a single drink that night
  3. I’m trying to find the funny and relevant Hustle and Flow gif but that was just a good movie. Whoop that trick.
  4. Slept in, Father’s Day lunch with some running shoe shopping for the wife at REI mixed in. Toddler pulled the checkout line stanchion down on her head so we got a bandaid and had to fill out an incident report. And change shirts.
  5. Absolutely this is the guy, thank you lol. Be high mid day glued to the floor of my sublet at campus estates off riverside eating hot dogs and freaking out
  6. if it's another big muff you don't have to wait to open it
  7. I think in some cases you could maybe fuck up a nitro finish. Like, if there was some huge temperature/humidity differential between where the guitar has been and your home, it could craze and/or get cloudy. But I think that this is highly not likely to be an issue in June in Michigan.,
  8. who was the gray haired professor looking guy who would go on these crazy raves and there would be all kinds of psychedelic effects on the video/audio?
  9. i've spent my entire life being a proponent of top over and now find myself switching the rolls around in the bathrooms used by the little demon.
  10. ok i'll bite - what is woke about renaming your band after a chevy
  11. 335. I don’t have a 335. In the acoustic side, a D18 and really a J45. I have a J45 but it is a J45 custom with rosewood back and sides. I don’t have an all solid mahogany body spruce topped dreadnought or jumbo.
  12. Those things look like ninja stars. Which made me try and remember if there was a guy playing guitar in the Foot Clan hideout in the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. And in retrospect goddamn the Foot Clan was so cool i want to join this club now lol that's sam rockwell kinda off topic for this thread but I'm having a.... I guess I'm old enough where this is maybe just a slight mid-life crisis, or at least I'm reflecting on my early adulthood and wanting to take ownership for the good parts as well as the bad parts. Anyways, I framed some albums and stuff and am going to start trying to collect more concert posters, I'm really loving the vibe it has added to my room
  13. Wife is not open for more suggestions on leaving a bit more space between her car and her bike, so just posting here for my future expense
  14. You’re not asking for tips but if I was in your shoes I’d buy these - https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/HE112P--herco-flat-thumbpicks-medium-gauge-players-pack?mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008695999512&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=HE112P&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=m&network=x&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9009718&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=21161059670&awsearchcpc=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQdmflr8eFpZ-gKgLXLaFunOt6XM3KhqE8WMkN4TIoPYJ4-ZD08rekRoCJw8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds maybe in a heavier gauge Probably not terribly expensive to get a tech to fix that
  15. My wife made a similar choice with blue on the bottom and white up top. The after picture looks significantly better than the before.
  16. I drag my nails on my strumming hand, which is probably bad technique but also I think part of how I make it sound like I want it to? I dunno, I've been playing along with some bluegrass stuff and really wore down the fingernail on my index finger, which then became a little painful. I should push my pick out a bit more and change the angle I'm holding it but also I just bought some nail hardener and have been in my office carefully doing my nails. Counting down until someone comments on how shiny my nails are.
  17. thanks y'all - this is massively helpful. hard to google stuff I don't know fuck about when I'm juggling a baby and a toddler and a million other things.
  18. water heater is far away, up on the third floor. this would track based on the attention to detail in other parts of the house, and yeah it looks like it just got splattered with paint thank you very much btw, that's bigly helpful - if I can't get a plumber out tomorrow or monday AM, (or over the weekend I suppose), is a leaking pressure regulator the kinda thing that is a precursor to a big flooding the downstairs type disaster (if I can't get a plumber over before i head out of town for half of next week, can I just stick a pot under this and deal with it later)?
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