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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. @Deejso what’s the deal with that? Nitro? Made in Asia somewhere still? Looks great. I know it doesn’t matter but I do love the open scroll headstock on it so much better than the bigass epiphone thing.
  2. Didn’t you get arrested the last time you went out in a nudie suit?
  3. Money in the 529, encouraging her to level up by doing things, reinforcing stories about people who accomplish stuff by going out and trying and continuing to try, “I love you forever no matter what”, “I love being your dad”, “I’m so happy you’re my daughter” every day.
  4. you're asking how it is that yoga pants on modern american fatties is bad for me?
  5. tl;dr i'm assuming this is the shaggybevo star trek fan fiction
  6. If you're sitting here surrounded by even moderate success talking about how people simply need to become remarkable in order to have a decent life, congratulations on your privilege because you didn't get where you are by being smart. Most people aren't remarkable and it is important to all of us here participating in society that most people are able to have decent lives.
  7. Yeah I have a lot of respect for talented and highly principled assholes. Something about, if it stick to your guns on principled stands that are highly unoriginal or inconvenient, and you’re successful in doing so, being a huge asshole maybe makes you even more respectable.
  8. Here's a good rundown of the diifference between the 28 and the HD28. I think some of the details of how they do the "forward shifted bracing" has changed in the past couple of years, although that may only be relevant to HD28s. Short version is that in the late '40s, they made some changes to the D28 that involved using straight braces (rather than scalloped braces) and shifting the X in the bracing back a bit. They also replaced the herringbone purfling with the binding you see on D28's. Sometime in the 1970s, Martin introduced the HD28 as an alternate to the D28 that more closely adhered to the '30s/early'40s specs. I believe that sonically the difference is something like the HD is supposed to be a bit more complex and the D is supposed to be a bit more strong and direct. Both are going to sound like big full Martins and will be great guitars. https://www.maurysmusic.com/maury_s_blog/view/185830/martin_d_28_vs_hd_28
  9. oh man, that's unexpected. definitely left his mark, definitely cut from his own cloth. dang.
  10. Ok if you change your mind you need to list it here. I love that goofy Gibson pickguard. It’s hog, right? Jimmyjazz music video that’s just this backwards
  11. In high school my sister took forever to get anywhere. I rode with her once and realized that she only knew how to get anywhere from our house, so she would drive from wherever we were to our house and then from there to the next destination.
  12. You add some bean cheese cool arrows
  13. Leftover birthday party chicky nuggy sesame chicken
  14. Wife establishing birthday party dominance. Dinosaur tails my idea, I helped
  15. Wife was worried that nobody would come to Rory’s 3rd birthday party. We invited her whole class, the neighborhood kids, and some of her dance friends. Counting adults, roughly 50 people came lol
  16. I still haven’t made it out to the one here, right across from the guitar center. I’ve been incredibly busy or I would have swung by to check out what deals they have for liquidation. Overall very sad.
  17. There’s not an appropriate emoji reaction for that.
  18. It is now safe to do so. Congrats Mac, really glad you landed well even if it took longer than you would have hoped.
  19. I’m up to 150g of lard per pound of flour, still 1 cup warm milk and a tsp salt. I think more fat makes everything come together quicker - I mix the dry ingredients and the lard with my hands until it is like sand, mix in the milk while I’ve got it in the kitchen aid on 2 with the hook. It’s usually ready to be rolled into balls in a few minutes.
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