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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. Technically it’s a “bath sheet”.
  2. it also takes it a step further from... you can purchase a Tesla and own the car, and it has capabilities that you cannot access without paying to have them unlocked (like range). I know that that was a story a few years back and I assume it's the case now. You can own the car without being able to use the whole car because features are software locked. But this idea is that you can own the car but Tesla could just reach in and take your spare cycles to what, create the worlds most powerful racist AI using a mobile cloud of other people's vehicles? FSD crashed your Tesla into a building because Grok was thinking really hard about a new slur?
  3. i saw that and looked up his church on the off chance that it's within striking distance. afraid not, but yes to this guy
  4. This is a $10000 dog. Fuckhead had a bladder stone requiring surgery in January and just went through an addisonian crisis. Steroids every day and a shot once a month. In for a post recovery checkup.
  5. I did in fact misunderstand what you mean by "useful degrees" and my quick google search for percent of degree holding american adults gives me 54.3. I'll have to look into the happiness thing when I have a longer minute.
  6. this is vastly overstated and your conclusions are wrong. if you want to talk about comparative cost-benefit of technical vs non technical degrees, OK, but that's not what you are doing here. i also think your numbers are wrong across the board, and while I agree that there are real problems impacting people's optimism about the future right now I doubt that people were happier in the '80s or <insert decade here>.
  7. he's doing a jack welch GE speedrun
  8. big fans of the longhorn wubbanubbadubdub in this household. imminent congrats, I'm gathering
  9. Agree with you and tbone that the culture seems to be shifting here as well. And the part you highlighted is one where it seems like we could have an impact. Support childcare, stop fucking up the public schools. It's more important than almost anything else we burn "your tax dollars" on.
  10. I strongly agree that it has a ton to do with culture. And specifically with the danes (scandinavians in general?) there's a thing about the harsh winters and a culture of consensus and communal support that differs from other vacation friendly european cultures. I'm sure someone will bring up the "homogeneity 😉😜" point, which of course is not irrelevant even if it a tasty treat for xenophobes.
  11. this is probably "i'm 14 and this is deep", but i'm curious about the change in "%women participating in the workforce" alongside "number of incomes required to achieve middle class household status" over time say more, i'd be interested to read whatever studies you're referring to. I work at a danish company, anecdotally it seems like having children (and taking extended maternity leaves) is much less of an impediment to career growth for our female danish counterparts than I've seen in my experience in the US. But, that's highly speculative and anecdotal.
  12. sister’s commentary from two step inn She also mentioned Wyatt Flores as being really good
  13. Triple x doesn’t fuck around. I miss parlor enchiladas.
  14. Oh man I need more details. My mouth watered and my butthole clenched looking at this picture.
  15. in the games, I love going through vaults and figuring out just wtf was going on in there. Skeletons surrounded by ammo with a note to a girlfriend, computer terminal entries, insane clones, etc. I’m gonna start FO4 again
  16. I agree that it is really hard to have good conversations in topics like this that - legitimate topics worthy of discussion that are also vehicles for our worst people to almost talk about replacement theory, handmaid’s tale fascism, etc not accusing you (tk) of that at all
  17. Shhh the men are talking
  18. People who learn things from PSAs still have children young because they think that hot tubs are an effective form of contraception. Of course you can find examples of educated women convincing themselves that it’ll be easier than it is but it may be that rather than simply forgetting to have kids women are making a rational choice. If as a society we want them to make a different choice (and if we are not a piece of shit society) we should make policy changes that impact their decision landscape.
  19. I played bass in my old band for years before switching to guitar with the addition of a new guy. There was a period where I would still play bass on the old stuff and we’d switch instruments. He kept his bass way up next to his nipples and it annoyed the shit out of me. So Charley Crockett has that bias working against him as well.
  20. That song was off the John Anderson tribute album thst came out a few years ago. That’s a great live performance
  21. I’ve tried to get into him but he sings from the top of his throat and I can’t get past that. He’s like cowboy Randy Newman.
  22. Unless education and awareness are not the problem, which I think was at least one of the points raised. Women know that they don’t have forever to have children, confusion about that is not why they’ve stopped having children at 23. and yeah the whole topic of fertility etc is gross with dudes who desperately need privilege to have worth
  23. I think more than society telling women they can have it all, society is telling women to wait until they are ready to have kids. And the bar for kid readiness is fucking high these days. just to be clear, I think that the solution has to do with the second part
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