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Celery Man

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. I've been tempted to do that and honestly on the bigass box store carts it's probably fairly safe from a top-heaviness perspective, but I'm still unsure. Threw me a bit on why that was a new question for me, but last time was still covid era and we didn't little bitty baby out and then I just wore her when she was a little bigger.
  2. no additional effort required
  3. Little baby is so much easier at store than toddler. Especially with a good car seat swaddle going.
  4. Was wondering why the dryer was so damn loud.
  5. you had me at a24 Started The Equalizer last night. It fits.
  6. Oh interesting - I associate Taylor with like… maple, cherry, etc but maybe I’m mistaken or maybe that’s just for some of their other lines
  7. I remember coming across a song I liked on the radio (104.1 or 107.5) and then hoping hoping hoping that instead of just fading to the next song fuckin Sam Malone would hop on and say "that was Low by Cracker, got some Gin Blossoms coming up for you next". Because otherwise how the fuck am I going to know what entire album to buy and put into my giant caselogic zipper case in order to hear that one song whenever I want it. I will say - Spotify will play me the same shit over and over again, but it does gradually mix some stuff in and it will accelerate if I hear something I like and then hop over to the "this is [bandname]" station or "[bandname] radio" or start going through the "also appears on" playlists. I mean, I went through a big 90s hip hop thing last year and it quickly got me into a lot of stuff I didn't know.
  8. I’m convinced many of you haven’t seen man on fire in 20 years. I agree with most critics that it is not good.
  9. He released like 4 albums at once, I think Star Sign is an actual new album and the others are old shit. I saw a thing about Sword and Stone specifically and some of the heatwave songs where the source material is 128kbps. Old demo mp3 shit.
  10. to be fair, fuck the crimson tide
  11. No, do the rest of his movies also suck?
  12. Yeah but it’s a 1) bad movie that 2) takes itself seriously. Two hours of slow motion pseudo art shots insinuating character development and half an hour of finding out, and then a super weird tag ending. Massive failure to have neglected to mention this up top, it is #1 in the genre.
  13. I watched First Blood the other week, and then watched season 1 of Reacher. And I’ve realized that right now what I want to watch is movies/tv where people fuck around and then find out. That probably encompasses most of the action genre, but i think maybe specifically hunter becoming the hunted type stuff - someone minding their own business and getting fucked with and soon enough the people fucking around are finding out bigly. What are some recs? I just watched “Becky”, which is more of a thriller and kinda fits the bill. Enjoyable mindless “little girl annihilates white supremacists” kind of thing, which I like. I googled a bit and found “Man on Fire” - the Denzel movie is garbage.
  14. Yeah I’m not against simple - I mean really the hd-28 has very little embellishment and one of my favorite guitars is the ooo-15m. I feel like $2500 is where you start with all solid traditional tone woods, $3k is where you start talking about premium exotic tone woods, and $4k is where you’re getting into the “shiny” conversation. Although browsing the catalogue, maybe that’s 5. I suppose I’m thinking about this in the way they want people to stop thinking about this, but sustainable is typically also economical? I’m down with richlite but I don’t want to pay ebony prices for it. Martin does of course have a lot if 3 piece back experience with the 35. What is the flagship Taylor guitar? Or I guess, the flagship concert body Taylor? Would he really interested to play these side by side.
  15. My wife used to spend forever at DSW and I would play the game of “try to find one wearable dress shoe”. I think part of the woman shopping return thing is that they mostly buy shit they see on Instagram.
  16. Oh lol, negative. I mean I don’t do this for a living but it doesn’t make sense to me unless it is temporary https://www.martinguitar.com/guitars/new-models-2/GPCE-Inception-Maple.html I’m down with the sustainability thing and think this kind of thing is a good idea for Martin, but that’s more than an HD-28. For a maple/walnut guitar with no pearl at all. Don’t make it a budget guitar but who is paying that for this?
  17. Subtle shade thrown at Taylor “hear maple as it is meant to be heard, for the first time”. I wonder what the price point will be - if it’s Nazareth then I assume somewhere in the “not quite as much as a 15m” range.
  18. Martin been teasing something. Bet it is some heavily man made material thing
  19. This is the wrong thread for it but I was reading something about bands getting cancelled from the... I guess 2000s pop punk/emo scene that I was somewhat involved in. Specifically, Brand New got cancelled because he was basically picking up 16 year olds after shows and trading photos and stuff, and there were some similar allegations about Say Anything as well as Less Than Jake. And I just had this weird dawning of.... fuck man I saw so much of that. I read the Say Anything stuff and was like "oh uh yeah man I wonder if they are talking about the people i personally know who this could describe" or remembering seeing Rog from LTJ take some high school girls back stage, so much of that shit that didn't seem predatory at all (it seemed cool) when you were the 17 year old and it's weird to remember that again now as a 38 year old man and have it register how fucked up it is. I was 28 when we did Warped Tour and I wouldn't talk to any girls on the assumption that everyone there is 14 years old. Not that I'm so great or whatever because i wasn't really judging people who were less careful at the time but I'm glad I had better sense, etc/
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