Someone else mentioned Ive, Tim Cook could also be on the list. Hartmut Esslinger was a major designer that was pivotal in the look and feel that Apple went for.
You're also making a very uneven comparison here. The reason that Jobs received so much recognition for what Apple was doing was because he was working with the teams very closely to make the products and design decisions. He didn't just tell a team "make X" walk away and then slap his name on it when they brought him the design. He was right there in the room making it happen. No question there is a dubiousness about him having his name on over 1,100 Apple patents, but he did directly touch the work that went into each patent.
Frankly, when you study Jobs vs Musk, there isn't much of a comparison. Jobs had a unique blend of technical chops, artistic creativity and showmanship for selling his products. Musk has demonstrated that he understands marketing (though recent years are demonstrating that he is more PT Barnum than Jobs in this regard), but completely lacks any of his technical skill or creativity.
So to try to make this comparison, just no.