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  1. This is really good. Use this.
  2. Seriously, drop the coin on that sombitch. So so good.
  3. There are probably better ones, but grabbing a plastic go cup bloody out the window at the New Orleans Hamburger & Seafood Co. on Decatur is a tried-and-true hangover cure in my experience.
  4. We lost to this program.
  5. How'd you get Fantesca to respond to you? Know someone? Last couple of times I went up there, I reached out to them by email to arrange a visit and got radio silence. Might have called and left a message last time, but I don't specifically remember.
  6. I swear they use a different chili sauce on the Strait Plate than on their #5. EyM #5 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Maudie's #5. But the Strait Plate with jalapenos is pretty damn good. Not EyM good, but definitely delicious. Only thing I get at Maudie's.
  7. That's what I normally do. I'll take kind of a scenic route to Fredericksburg. Go past Johnson City on 281, then go left on 1323. It'll become apparent how good the wildflowers are pretty quick, and there are some lovely twists and turns on that backroad anyway. If you're not impressed, just follow 1320 back down to 290. If it looks nice, keep on it and it'll backdoor you into the Willow City Loop.
  8. They're 20?
  9. Five years ago I'd have said all we have to do is win. Not so sure anymore. Two years in a row now we've seen reports of declining attendance nationwide, with the biggest conferences with the biggest stadiums seeing the largest declines. People don't care as much as they used to, and I suspect that trend will never reverse.
  10. Go to the Dolphin in Hanalei for poke and sushi. Find out which night Jeff is working, and sit at the counter. If you get lucky, you might get the two seats on the patio that face into the sushi preparation area. Really cool guy, and some of the best sushi I've ever had.
  11. $59.99 is a steal. Buy it all. It's a close call between Lagavulin 16 and Uigeadail for the best all-around scotch on the market that isn't insanely expensive. Uigeadail can be difficult to find sometimes, though.
  12. Good lord. It's been an El Mercado for 25 years at least. Uptown Enchilada Bar was awesome. El Mercado blows. And, yes, while there may be better food to be had, El Rancho is quintessential old Austin. Their menu staples haven't changed in over a half-century. Nearly always a lively, fun atmosphere. One of the best patio dining options anywhere. Great drinks. It's hard to beat for an all-around dining experience.
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