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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. 51 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I don’t believe that one bit.  The entire fed government could shrink to what it was 100 years ago and I’d be much better off.  And so would most people.  Except for federal workers and the taker class.  

    You are a taker. You don't produce a thing.


  2. Just now, slorch said:

    Social policy will never equal my beliefs.  I get that.


    Makes not a fuck what public policy is to me any more until it impacts my own liberty.


    I do get a kick out of the leftist mentality of , "One day you're going to suffer like us."  


    Here's a clue:  I don't get my beliefs of what is right and wrong from the fucking gov't.  That is just a very low baseline of expectations.  I do wish we would properly enforce the laws we have set forth as those social baselines.  


    That would hurt people's feelings though, so we do not.   Fuck the people who do the right thing.  Thunderdome, gotdammit.

    You benefit from government largesse just like everyone else. 

    You should appreciate it. It means your country is grown up and not backward.

  3. 43 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Times have changed. There was a priest at my high school in the 1980s who was a known molester. It was practically in the student handbook -- watch out for Father Tampa (not his real name), he gon' try to suck your dick -- but people just looked the other way, because he was a priest. It is really fucking weird, looking back on it. 

    Father Tampa teach geometry?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oh BS that tarmac summit was just a couple,e good buddies getting together to shoot the shit.  Nuuuuuuthing to see there folks juuuust mooove along.  Of course they could not go after her 'cause then Mr. Obamas knowledge of what she was doing might come out, can't have that now....


    Yep transparent as rain water off a bulls asshole, that was Mr. O's admin for all 8 years.

    Why isn't the DOJ doing anything about it?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    No, but the Trump DOJ not charging Hillary is another great example, so thanks!   It's just like how it's clear now that there wasn't enough evidence to charge Hillary, because even the Trump DOJ with every incentive to charge her is not doing so.   Same here, so far. 

    Trumps DOJ is run by 13 Democrats, bro. Don't you read the twitter?

  6. 6 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I especially appreciate the concrete example of treatment of the elderly as something another culture or society does better than we do.

    In my opinion, that is a direct result of 20th century capitalists working diligently to fracture the traditional family in an effort to create more households for consumer goods.

  7. 1 minute ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    So nice to see it only took the Our Team Cavalry two minutes to arrive and say that the stolen/lost evidence means nothing. Solid work guys.

    That's why you started this thread. It's the only reason. You're trolling. 

    Well done. 

  8. 26 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Our economy and population are growing.  That's the difference.  LPR is still awful.  It has/is being used to manipulate the U3 numbers in a positive light.  As is our GDP formula, manipulated in 2013 to reflect R&D as "revenue", effectively giving it roughly a 50bps bump.  We are concerned about inflation (to an extend).  Japan is praying for inflation, as decades of deflation is like a boat anchor around their necks

    If the United States wants to see what its post-growth future looks like, it should look to Japan. We are no longer an emerging economy. Two percent growth over the long-term is probably the best we can hope for.

  9. Just now, Aphelion said:

    This is excessively vague and as it depends on what you confine to culture.  If you mean only things like language, good, marriage and funeral rituals, and music, then I agree and this is largely noncontroversial.  But if you also consider the prevailing moral views, laws, knowledge base, and approach to humans rights and education & science, then this is clearly not true.  If one believes in the possibility of advancement for human society, then this presupposes that there is such as thing as a more advanced society to advance towards.  

    There are numerous examples of such societies.

  10. Just now, TwiceHorn said:

    This is an interesting point unto itself.  Arguably, again, WWEM are better at appropriating than are other cultures.  Maybe that's just a function of moving around the earth more than other civilizations.

    Luck has a lot to do with it, too. If disease hadn't wiped out many of the indigenous peoples of the New World, who knows where we would be.

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