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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. Just now, slorch said:

    I had an employee whose work visa almost expired.  She had to have documentation of freaking everything with regard to  requesting the renewal and having the process started.  It was under 48 hours from expiring.  She’s a damned good employee, but how the hell do you let that happen? It’s a little more important than letting that Tide coupon for &.50 expire, don’tya think?

    All of our employees must be fully documented and legally eligible for work in the US.

    My yard guy?  Not so sure...  I’m sure I am sinning for not vetting him, but he works his ass off and is a super nice guy with about 8 othr employees.


  2. 1 hour ago, Incredulity said:

    Exactly right.

    It is ignorant as fuck to lay this at the solely at the feet of “Employers”.  There is a reason a SS card is a typed out piece of paper.  It isn’t simply fat cat Republicans hoping to exploit immigrants.

    Let's issue a free national ID card.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Maybe get the EEOC off employers’ backs and allow them to actually ask job applicants the right questions and seek the proper documentation without being sued for discrimination

    Don’t just limit them to the I-9 and the limited questions currently allowed.  

    What are the right questions?

  4. 12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Roe vs Wade is a ruse.  It’s not getting overturned.  Both sides will use it as a motivator to get out the vote.

    I hope you're right, because if it isn't overturned with an honest to goodness 5-4 conservative court, the right will lose its mind even more than it normally does.

    And that will be really, really funny.

  5. 8 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Let me come out and say what half this board is thinking but doesn't feel it is worth the time and effort to make the point.  You are an idiot.  Have you not heard one damn word from her mouth after the election?  Every time someone sticks a microphone in her face she blames conservative men for forcing their wives and daughters to vote for Trump.  She plays the white men are afraid of powerful women card at every speech she gives.  She is to gender politics what the old guy with the salt and pepper hair and beard was to Dos Equis commercials.

    All that and she still wound up with three million more votes than Donald Trump. 

    That's impressive.

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