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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. 11 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    The entire architecture of Corporate America is designed to transfer wealth up the ladder.  

    Corporate America figured out how to a) pay employees as little as possible, b) extend Americans credit at usurious interest rates to make up for what they've lost in wages, and c) convince the United States government that this system is good for America.

    That is some evil genius right there.


  2. 2 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Every employer-employee relationship. Nobody hires someone and pays them more than they would pay themselves if they did the job themself. (I think I got those pronouns right. Corrections welcome.)

    Surplus labor is real.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Well, you have conflated small and mid cap businesses.  The combined percentage of small and mid offering 401k is in excess of 50%.  So a big majority of mid-market independent businesses offer 401k and benefits.  These are the businesses that are fucked by your proposed estate tax changes.

    but don’t let facts get in the way of your socialist fantasy.

    I wonder which generation of 401k beneficiaries get fucked by the next depression.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Explain what government policies transfer wealth from the bottom to the top.  The bottom consumes more government services and takes in more transfer payments. While paying much less in taxes.  

    You guys are confusing a lesser disagree of confiscatory tax policy with wealth transfers.  

    Who sets interest rates? Who allows usurious lending? 


  5. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I’ve said it more than once here. And to anyone else I’ve discussed it with.  

    The concentration camp rhetoric is complete bullshit though.  

    Concentration camp is a loaded term. Thanks, Hitler.

    These are internment camps.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    I really do live my life everyday with the adage "worth of all persons" as my guide. I try to listen to different viewpoints and respect those who i disagree with. But when persons like McConnell after today's ruling post pictures like this, knowing how he manipulated the system to get a conservative on the court, it really challenges me. I struggle to find any worth in someone who rubs his "victory" in the face of everyone who disagrees. I wished I believed in hell so I could have some hope that he might have eternal suffering. 

    The Democrats will have their revenge. Politics is always like that. Everything these people are doing is temporary. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    How much money does the government pay you to take care of said 8 orphans for 15 years? How much longer is that gonna go on?  

    I suppose the black dude in prison work was pro bono though sponsored by your lily white shoe law firm, all expenses paid of course. I guess you should get a healthy nod of the head for that one. 

    There is no way someone as upstanding as Johnny claims those charitable donations on his tax return. It's straight up goodness. No tax break necessary.

  8. 4 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

     Warren- mildly interesting.  The Fauxcahontas thing may haunt her.  I know everyone is lying now, but lying about your ancestry is kind of like lying about military service.  Less forgiven imo. 

    Biden-  meh.  4 years older than Trump.  Has Obama taint on him, without the coolness. 

    Harris- still think she’ll be early frontrunner. Younger at least.  

    Hickenlooper or other moderate Dems- maybe.   Have a lot of ground to make up as far as recognition.  

    I still think good chance it’s off the board pick.  You don’t go Trump in national election then fall back to “safe” pick like Biden or something.  Literally anything could happen now that Trump genie is out of bottle. 

    Obama taint? You do realize he's the most popular politician in America, right?

  9. 1 hour ago, EMAWesome said:

    The last two members of Congress to be physically attacked haven't been attacked by Trump supporters.  Go on Twitter and look at the responses Scalise got after making a tweet imploring for cooler heads and civil discourse.  Trump did not force anyone to respond with physical violence.  People that responded with physical violence chose to respond with physical violence.  No one forces me to respond to any post on this board.  When I respond to one it is because I choose to.    The way I choose to respond is my choice to make and is also my responsibility to take.

    Again, here's what right wing nut jobs do when provoked:


  10. 26 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I have thought about the solution to the mexican drug problem a bunch.  Like all things, there are no easy answers.  But I think there are only 2 choices.

    1) The easiest and least violent way is to legalize most drugs that come in from mexico.  Weed, cocaine, meth, heroin etc.  I realize that this is highly unlikely to happen, but we have made progress on weed.  I have no idea what it would look like but I envision stores similar to liquor stores that sell narcotics.  Let US companies manufacture the narcotics and let the FFA regulate the quality and then let them sell to retailers that are also well regulated.  Heck, I would even let mexico supply much of the drugs if they can compete.  have them sell to licensed dealers here in the us.  Likely a pipe dream but it would eliminate a ton of the profits for the cartels. 

    2) Negotiate with mexico (tell them basically) that the us military is coming in.  The drug trade is just too lucrative and the state and local police are in a horrible spot.  Take money from the cartels or get killed and have your family killed.  That scenario is never, ever, going to eliminate the problem.  The cartels make so much money that they have arsenals of weapons, more than the local police.  So, imo, an outside group has to intervene.  It would be unbelievably brutal in the short term.  The policy would have to be scorched earth.  Assaults on cartel locations.  Total burning of fields and plants and equipment.  An eradication of the trade.  Then, help mexico to police the areas so that it never grows so big and out of hand again.  In a large scale operation, you essentially eliminate all of the known bad guys and wipe out all of their supply.  Make it very, very difficult for someone to come in and start from scratch.

    Obviously, solution 1 is the best avenue.  Maybe some combination of both.  But I can not blame the local police in many of these mexican communities for not stopping the problem.

    Yes. Let's invade Mexico. That is really, really, really smart.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah....that's a lecture and finger-wag that rings a BIT hollow south of the Rio.  "The United States" and "respectful of Latin American sovereignty" are two concepts that, ummm, don't go together very well.

    The United States of America shouldn't lecture anyone on respecting national sovereignty.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    You’re projecting. 

    What do you personally do to help blacks?

    I’d like to compare the money you’ve been spent compared to me directly helping blacks?

    And time?

    I’ve spent a lot of time and money. 

    Or do you just run your mouth on the internet?

    Tell us again how you're the savior of Haiti. The magical white man come to save the poor black folk.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I guess we just take your uninformed guess there was no harm then. I mean she couldn’t have told her recipients to delete.  Or they didn’t do it on their own accord since they didnt want incriminating why on their computer. Or have sent to recipients no one knew about.  Or outside subpoena power like foreign donors buying favors rough Clinton foundation donations. 

    Man, you would think someone who did something so egregious would get indicted.

    I guess Democrats really do run everything.


  14. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    We’ll see.  It’s a long way off. 

    Wont be as fun as 2016.  Not nearly as many crying pussies on the right to gif and screen shot.  I figure so many more on the left aren’t religious compared to the right. So politics are their religion.  And losing to the left hurts so much more.   

    I’m also betting our schools won’t be setting up safe spaces, crayon, coloring books, play do and therapy puppies for the girly pussies who can’t handle losing an election.  So I doubt you will enjoy it as much as we did.  Because I still chuckle thinking about those whiny pussies.  

    Oh, there were plenty of crying pussies in 2012. I love watching the look on the faces of wypipo getting dominated by a black man.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    I guess you are assuming all workers are practically broke.  Which I don't agree with, but yes if a middle market business fails the owners often get wiped out.  That is the risk reward scenerio that is the basis of capitalism.

    Not all, but most wage earners are.

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