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David Dennison

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Posts posted by David Dennison

  1. 3 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I certainly did not.  Said before he was elected on Shag I wouldn’t. And I didn’t. And I won’t in 2020 either.  And hope he gets primaried. Still glad he beat Hillary though.  

    My wife and I cracked open a couple bottles of Veuve and enjoyed the meltdown on election night. 

    I know the feeling. 2008 and 2012 were spectacular. 2020 will be fun.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If the GOP ever had an escape hatch on Trump, this would be a good one.

    Standing up for Human Rights and holding Trump accountable could save the party in the long run.

    But they don’t give a shit.

    This is the Republican Party.


  3. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I would avoid wearing your MAGA gear to many of the taquerias with which I am familiar.

    Just my personal recommendation, as a man who likes his tacos free of other folks' bodily fluids.

    Yeah. Washing hands after visits to the baño optional when serving the MAGA crowd.

    I imagine they've ingested a ton of feces and urine since November 2016.

  4. 2 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Gotdam borders suck.


    everyone who believes in US sovereignty is racist!!!


    the rights and freedoms garnted our citizens should extend to everyone in the world, right?

    If they are in the United States, yes, according the the Supreme Court. Good luck keeping all of them out.

  5. 3 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    So, people are crying because a stolen judge rendered the majority here and their team lost. But, if their team had gotten their judge in and rendered the majority in they would be happy and the other team would be crying now. Do I understand this right? Every news outlet I am hearing are wailing or celebrating, as if they won or lost a game. We are just talking about scoreboards and teams here, not human beings, it seems like.

    It's politics. It's a horserace that never ends. It's ratings. It's history in a soundbite and it's obnoxious.

    The good news is, history is long, and this policy will be out the door the minute a Democrat is in the White House.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Traditions?  Democrats ran out the clock on numerous Bush nominations that were made in the last year of his presidency.  There did not happen to be a SCOTUS spot open, or the same would have been done.



    The good news is, the Democrats will have plenty of opportunities for payback in the not too distant future.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Looking at these recent rulings... Jesus Christ, we are fucked.  

    Politics is cyclical. 

    Don't forget, gay and interracial marriage is the law of the land. 

  8. I sense a little bit of snark in this thread.

    Yes, it's technically a victory, but the left forced the administration to rewrite the ban twice, and there are loads of exemptions that weren't included in the first go round.

    This isn't the original travel ban. This has been in effect since December and fails to do what the administration wanted.


  9. 3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Which they indirectly sabotaged and needlessly watered down in an attempt to negotiate with republicans who were clearly dealing in bad faith. Even when they succeed they manage to shoot themselves in the dick.

    That's fine. A majority of Americans consider health care to be a right. That number will only grow. That's why the ACA is historically important. The next step will be single payer. 

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  10. 4 minutes ago, JohnRedHorn said:

    Trump's rhetoric, lies, and unfounded personal attacks are going to eventually get the mass of idiots called Americans riled up to a point where politicians are going to get murdered. It already almost happened in Arizona and again during that baseball practice. Shit will get a lot more violent and a lot worse the more a loud mouth dumb ass leads the charge from the top. 

    Russia and Bin Laden have beaten the United States and all it took was destroying a couple of few buildings and creating a bunch of lies. Americans may be the most mentally weak people on the planet. 


    This is what Donald Trump is teeing up.

  11. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    You guys thinking the Dems are gonna take total control and ram through a whole bunch of controversial changes are a trip. Remember when the Dems took control after the Republicans gave us the Iraq war and the worst economy since the great depression, and lost the House and like 2/3rds of the state legislatures and governorships in a massive wave two goddamn years later? The fucking leadership has barely even changed, and they're allergic to their own damned shadows. They might win Congress and the White House in 2020 if Trump truly fucks things up, but they'll still have pretty much the same leadership, and they'll still have a massively gerrymandered House and the natural Republican advantage in the Senate to deal with.

    The Democratic party doesn't know how to play anything but a prevent defense. Most of the electoral momentum they've shown recently is largely unconnected to the party itself. That might work so long as they're a minority opposition party with Trump to race against, but if they take control they'll be even more fractured than the current Republican House caucus. 

    They also passed the biggest piece of landmark legislation since the Voting Rights Act of 1965.



  12. 7 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I have zero doubt that if you were to poll this, you would get significant support from Trump cultists on slave labor from captured illegals while they await bullshit "due process" in order to recoup the costs they inflict on hardworking Americans. 

    The only positive about this whole thing is that it is shining a light on the unabashed racism that permeates the ranks of Republican voters.  

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  13. trump-2016-fuck-your-feelings-1024x683.j

    You've got to remember that these are just simple people. They are wypipo. The common clay of Trump's America. You know . . . morons.

    Nothing Maxine Waters does will ever be as obnoxious as the mentally challenged idiots who support Donald Trump.

  14. 3 minutes ago, sheeeit said:


    Jesus.  You guys are high strung.  I made a mistake when typing.  Meant to say month not day.  I based it on this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/border-arrests-exceed-50000-for-third-month-in-a-row/2018/06/06/db6f15a6-680b-11e8-bea7-c8eb28bc52b1_story.html?utm_term=.9893499e8685

    My point still stands.  If 50,000-75,000 poor, unskilled, non-english speaking people were crossing the Canadian border every MONTH then I absolutely think the same people calling for a wall with Mexico would be calling for a wall with Canada.  




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