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David Dennison

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Everything posted by David Dennison

  1. You think America believes in your bullshit?
  2. Who says nothing good can come from Trump winning?
  3. TIL the United States under Donald Trump is going to turn its back on what amounts to our second largest trading partner because he promised he would to a bunch of gullible voters on the campaign trail.
  4. I voted for Kamala because she was running against a Republican.
  5. I mean, Russia didn't have to invade Ukraine.
  6. Think we'll be in NATO in four years?
  7. The Empire thanks you for your support. Now go to work and pay your taxes.
  8. Well, you're going to be and there's not much you can do about it beyond what you're doing right here in this thread.
  9. Wait. Is ztejas a 9/11 truther? Their 19th century novelists are dope as fuck.
  10. Apparently you don't understand the benefits of global hegemony. I assure you the people who own America do and are in no hurry to give that up.
  11. You can call them whatever you want, but they have an ass ton of nuclear warheads pointed at the nation you call home.
  12. It's great for the country you call home. How do you think we became the richest nation in the history of ever?
  13. Let's fly the American economy into a mountain while we're at it. No big deal. Good lord, you people really don't know how the world works, do you?
  14. OK, how about this. We start by slashing the Pentagon's budget by 30%. Everybody on board with that? No one said we like it.
  15. Do you really think we're going to willingly give up our ability to project power in our national interest when we do it more effectively than any other nation on earth? Really?
  16. Do you even realpolitik, bro?
  17. Have you checked in on the non-super power economies lately?
  18. I'm sure the United States can avoid becoming entangled in European conflict through isolationism. We just didn't try hard enough the last couple of times.
  19. What do you do when Democrats take over?
  20. You understand that we all benefit greatly by having America as the world's biggest swinging dick, right?
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