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David Dennison

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Everything posted by David Dennison

  1. Our OL needs to have its best game of the season. #CaptainObvious
  2. It's because the vast majority of pundits and non-Texas college football fans think we're lucky to be here and we're playing a team that has looked unbeatable in their two playoff games.
  3. Technically, their D is better, but not by much. https://www.footballdb.com/college-football/stats/teamstat.html?group=D&cat=T&yr=2024
  4. Forced vacay or voluntary?
  5. Odds are they'll change them on their own.
  6. This is the football board, right?
  7. I'm in my 50s. We were taught to do it for the Pledge of Allegiance. Boys were taught to cover their heart with a hat if wearing one for the National Anthem. I don't remember being taught to put my hand over my heart for the Anthem, but it seems natural to do so.
  8. So we get Fowler and Herbstreit. Cool. Cool.
  9. I liked it. It is what it is.
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