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  1. I'm in fintech. We don't actively track that, but when you get leveled, you damn well know they'll look at the badge-in data as well as other metrics (login times, meeting attendance, etc). Our new overlords actually make you badge OUT on the way out the door, so I know they can track your overall hours.
  2. It's when you get paid to be in the office to collaborate with your coworkers. When your employer pays you well to show up and do your job, SHOW UP. We're a smaller satellite office that's hanging by a thread, and when people do crap like lunch badging and our office attendance is around 30% (when it should be 60%+), then you're risking getting our office shuttered, not to mention them taking advantage of the Ffrench benefits.
  3. So, which lane is the proper lane to drive in while rapidly discharging a firearm? Asking for Nicole.
  4. The burning cross in front of his dorm probably made him reconsider.
  5. Great, now APD will be rubbing down the pylons with tabasco every evening...
  6. Man, I wish I was a boomer. Well, my bank account does at least.
  7. The late Gen-Z workforce at our office. Coffee badging became big during the RTO wave in the last year or two, but they've taken it even further. Badge in at 11:45, order lunch, then take an hour to an hour and a half lunch, then badge out by 3pm. A solid 3-hour work day where they're spending half of it on lunch. The biggest offenders are based in Austin while their managers are on the east coast, so they don't see this crap on the daily.
  8. FIL sent the family a video from someone's podcast. It was a bunch of ads, the actual video, then stopping the interview to do a live-read during the video from a sponsor, and 5 seconds into the live read, youtube injects their own ads, then back to the live -read. Wash, rince, repeat every 5 minutes for the hour long video (which stretched it out to an hour and a half). Insufferable on SO MANY LEVELS!
  9. They completely removed them from Westlake after roughly a year. Wish we could do the same with the people who install crap like this.
  10. Which city council member(s) own stock in or have a cousin who owns a pylon or rubber curb manufacturing company?! At least go bollards so we can get some good HOLY SHIT vids of the drunks hitting them! Those pylons are going to be like the ones on West Gate that get mowed down by busses and trucks within the first few weeks.
  11. This is the closest one. Loose fist, beer-soaked ring, thumb half-ass cocked up, but missing the sound effects. Insert whoop, hsssss, or derp.
  12. RHEL troubleshooting will grind your gears...
  13. Man, you think that's bad, you should see the Lakeway Bad Driver shaming group on facebook.
  14. In his defense, the reddit posts don't load half the time. Just the title, no video or thumb, even.
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