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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. I didn't know Nicole worked for the state!
  2. Uncle did the same for my cousin's wedding. Showed up in his eaerly 60s vette, made quite the splash with most of the wedding guests, only to find out he was about 2 miles away from the wedding venue.
  3. Would death clear aggy from paying the rest, or do they still owe his estate?
  4. Assassinates?! Just build a Waffle House in CStat already, and the situation will resolve itself.
  5. Wasn't me, but my son has entered the chat twice in the last week. 4 years old, and dude is a solid gambler.
  6. The internet once again has ruined me. Around the 60 second mark... This could also be X-posted to a few other threads I'm sure.
  7. See: every superbowl with Mahomes / Chiefs playing.
  8. 1/2" EarthquakeXT Impact Wrench is the bomb! Done more than my fair share of weekend projects with it, along with the newer impact sockets, no issues. Also bought breaker bars, a Jesus wrench, and torque wrenches from HF, no problems!
  9. I'm going to guess SWAT got a few licks in during the cuff-and-stuff.
  10. Eh, I was only counting the ~78 for the fleecing. The rest was payment for "rendered services", glory holes be damned.
  11. Jimbo fleeced them for nearly 9 figures, can't say he's an idiot...
  12. Man, so KLBJ / 101X's CJ Morgan, anyone know the details on that one? Or is he hiding in our midst and we keeping that hush? Really enjoyed his schtick on-air, but seems like he may be gone from the air sooner rather than later. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/swat-call-barricaded-subject-frostwood-trail-northwest-austin-texas
  13. BYE WEEK is also a great one. Pulled this off in the past for a season until the league manager got pissed having to deal with the other teams bitching.
  14. Y'all are getting Bee Cave and Lakeway mixed up. I would recommend an afternoon trip to the League in Lakeway if you get bored and want to see what the moms do after tennis club.
  15. All those new apartments built on present day dollars that are financed at higher rates, on top of peak valuations from TCAD with ever-increasing property tax rates. You can't drop rent and increase costs for much longer until the new units aren't profitable and the rates are adjusted accordingly. Again, voters approving EVERY... SINGLE... TAX... INCREASE is going to dick punch every renter and property owner in town if it hasn't already. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm waiting on the green line subway to arrive at the station so I can get from downtown to wherever the hell this thing runs in south Austin.
  16. I think the displeasure is offset by lobbyists ensuring the stealership model lasts another biennium on the odd-numbered years in Austin. It was interesting when we bought my wife's VW a few years back, and VW really doesn't beat around the bush. They give you one price, take it or leave it. And searched around a 250 mile radius, and the dealerships were all at the same pricepoint, give or take a few hundred bucks. Bought my used truck from a dealership, and those crooks did the same "Finance and trade in your vehicle, and we'll shave off 5K" BS, but they were unable to accept my old vehicle, as it was piped and tuned, so they legally couldn't resell it.
  17. When you've been married for 87 years, and you tell people 57, I can see why Mrs. Brat is angry.
  18. Which one of you did this? https://x.com/BoardGeniuses/status/1895213638593790025
  19. Nope. I refuse to endorse keying anyone's car. I prefer something more along the lines of removing the valve stem core. Or the rock in the valve cap. Or, the ol' banana in the tailpipe trick.
  20. I'm pretty sure TCU beat 'em to it.
  21. She wants the best outcome for him, because in 6 months, that's the best outcome for her, too.
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