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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. I thought that was what we called HS kids accepted to aggy?
  2. Here me out, gents. We need to pitch the idea to the current owners of Hole in the Wall. Gonna make a satellite location in Collie Station in this entertainment district they brag about. It will honor one of the greatest aggy traditions on record. And we shall call this place:
  3. 3 baby daddies, and wonders why she's always single. Filet minion taste with a body by McDonalds.
  4. Man, toilet flanges don't have fixed bolts, there's a channel they move around. That's just a lazy ass worker that didn't fit the toilet right. Hopefully they didn't caulk it into place so you can adjust it as necessary. Also, am I the only one that's wondering who the F puts an outlet that close to the water valve for the toilet?! Like bump that thing up a few feet just for safety's sake, GFCI or not.
  5. How bigoted are you that you don't believe in gay confederate supporters?!
  6. IIRC, they stated call was confirmed, not just the call stands, which is even more egregious.
  7. Something about his wife wanting peace...
  8. Napster, BearShare, Kazaa, ... Pirate Bay
  9. My niece thinks it's hilarious to teach my youngest to do the horns down. I'm really looking forward to spending the weekend with the in-laws and dealing with this crap for 2-3 days. Can't wait to teach my son a bit of history on why aggy is trash, but she (the niece) is just reinforcing the point.
  10. Tell me you don't have young kids... I've got rugged floor mats in the truck AND in the wife's SUV, and no looking back! Kids will find a way to tear up seats and carpets, but at least the mats keep things in decent shape.
  11. That's a MAN's motor right there!
  12. Listeater has really taken it badly after they announced the pull is going to the web?
  13. Cross Post from the "So excited to go to the SEC with these Tennessee assholes" thread?
  14. Europeans are lazy, Americans are willing to go that extra mile!
  15. 11319888 DALLAS FARRON 2428858 12/05/2024 4000-0 REQUEST TO APPREHEND 11319935 LARA OLIVIA 2428896 12/05/2024 0600-0 THEFT PROP >=$100<$750 11320018 BARRETT ANTON 2428971 12/06/2024 0402-0 AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 11319957 RENTERIA CHRISTINA 2428928 12/06/2024 2805-0 UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT 11320013 RUIZ DOMINGUEZ HELADIA 2428966 12/06/2024 1009-0 SECURE EXECUTION DOC DECEPT >=$30K<$150K 11319990 SAVILLE CHRISTIAN 2428943 12/06/2024 0200-0 SEXUAL ASSAULT 11319965 TENNISON-CALDERON MARIAH 2428922 12/06/2024 0402-0 AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 11319978 VERA PEREZ IVAN 2428935 12/06/2024 0402-0 AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 11320053 RODRIGUEZ-NEUMANN ROBERTO 2429013 12/07/2024 2109-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE 11320126 MAZAC JACOB 2429085 12/08/2024 2011-0 INJ CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLED RECKLESS BI 11320245 KOKOSZKA MERRIDITH 2429200 12/09/2024 2011-0 INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLE W/INT BODILY I
  16. 11319615 MAQUIN CHOC PEDRO 2428582 12/01/2024 0402-0 AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 11319591 PALACIOS CARLOS "Apocalypto" 2428561 12/01/2024 0305-0 ROBBERY BY THREAT 11319681 DE LA LUZ-MACEDO HUBERT 2428647 12/02/2024 0206-0 AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 11319679 DIAZ-FLORES GILBERTO 2428645 12/02/2024 0402-0 AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 11319684 KENNEDY JOSHUA 2428650 12/02/2024 0600-0 THEFT OF FIREARM 11319761 LOPEZ MALDONADO JIOVANI 2428729 12/03/2024 0402-1 AGG ASSAULT DATE/FAMILY/HOUSE W/WEAPON 11319751 MOYER KENNETH "Klepto" 2428716 12/03/2024 0601-0 BURGLARY OF VEHICLES W/PREV 2 OR MORE CONV 11319753 STOKES COREY 2428718 12/03/2024 4000-0 REQUEST TO APPREHEND 11319839 BROWN CORY 2428806 12/04/2024 0303-0 ROBBERY 11320079 FRANKLIN PAMELA 2429032 12/04/2024 2716-0 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 11319848 HERNANDEZ LEE "Mr. Majestyk" 2428817 12/04/2024 4000-0 REQUEST TO APPREHEND 11319826 PRICE DEJUAN 2428792 12/04/2024 0305-0 ROBBERY BY THREAT ATTEMPTING TO INTIMIDATE OHIO STATE DURING WARMUPS 11319845 ROJAS GERARDO 2428811 12/04/2024 2014-0 SEX ABUSE OF CHILD CONTINUOUS
  17. "How can you kill milkmen and border collies?" "Easy, don't lead 'em as much"
  18. I lost count of how many times I heard "the first ever college football playoff game at DKR". Like, no shit, all the others were played at neutral sites. Welcome to the new era, clowns.
  19. I'm impressed, he got it half right...
  20. Did he get a free pair of matching bracelets after that?! I couldn't tell with that historic colorized rendition of the incident.
  21. What's my O-Line look like, and which defense are we playing?
  22. Vidwud_faceswap.mp4 Damnit, AI...
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