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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. Probably something very heavy, cause clearly they're doing truck things.
  2. I sweatergawd, if you people keep bumping this thread without an obituary linked...
  3. Well, for Windows 10, you either stop syncing / backing up your "My Documents" folders, which then leaves them on your machine in the user profile folder, or you log out of OneDrive completely. Windows 11, well, I don't hate myself enough to use that one yet. The "every other Microsoft OS" rule still stands.
  4. Makes you wonder how much markup there is on boats and boat mechanics...
  5. Take the clothes to Once Upon a Child or some other thrift store and see what they'll give you, or donate to a good cause. If she knows what she paid for 'em, write it off!
  6. When they started using autotune in Nashville Country, the good ol' days died.
  7. I hear they got the idea from the aggy hall of champions. Needed something to hide all the empty space.
  8. "Boomer Sooner" rhymes with the next "Boomer Sooner", wash, rinse, repeat 200 times or so, no?
  9. There's an entire bathroom stall in the A&M library dedicated to aggy traditions, too.
  10. Blippi is annoying as hell, but found out this gem, and now the wife won't let the kids watch him:
  11. That's a lot of poors cars for Westlake...
  12. What's worse, Rocky Top or boomer pooner?
  13. Grab you a 5 gallon fuel can and start filling up on his dime. Maybe help some others.
  14. Sounds like you were trying to pull this one off, more successfully:
  15. Where's the report Phishing button on Surly?
  16. Add in: people who don't take off wall plates and tape over plugs / switches before painting.
  17. I'll call BS on this. Gundy could have left him at home and not said a word, and no one would be talking about him much until maybe the first game he's back. But now he's getting blasted all over for saying what he said. I'd have forgotten all about the Ollie DUI if not for his Media Days stunt.
  18. Austin Energy says HI.
  19. Pulling PII is one thing, but when the hackers OPENLY ADMIT they have source code for LP, I'm out. Delete / purge account, and on to the next best-in-class competitor.
  20. Half the board is Eskimo bros via South Austin's mom...
  21. I'm sure there's a post on Cuerny Gals all about it by now.
  22. This. At least they're stuck with the Equifax identity monitoring bill.
  23. So how long until Surly sits behind a WAF and all API access is cut? Also, can you set up federated SSO access between Ashley Madison accounts and Surly. I feel like that might be the most secure method.
  24. This isn't the journalist's fault, it's clearly a poorly written city ordinance. per https://publicinput.com/Customer/File/Full/4dba3e64-60ca-49d2-b1d0-e907578f036b
  25. They should split it into two divisions: the OGs and the New Cunts. Tceh, OkState, Rapelor, TCU, KState, Kansas, Iowa State, WV (even though TCU and WVU don't belong there, they round out the 😎 The rest build out the NCs. Gives the olds the chance to keep playing each other, and the news a chance to circle jerk each other, then the conference championship. You're welcome, Yormark, you worthless cockstain.
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