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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. Moral of the story: Ditching the money-hungry succubus saves a man enough money to pursue his dreams.
  2. You sure it was a helicopter that got his nose?
  3. Okay, let's see the pics...
  4. Next thing you know, you're being sentenced to death by snu snu.
  5. Probably my in-laws. Although, the oldest daughter is considering Tech now, which is even more heart-breaking for all.
  6. It's the Urbanists ruining everything. And the lack of trains.
  7. Some of us aren't so lucky to have gas hookups. My first house had it, was the tits for sure!
  8. I'm sorry a cop fucked your wife once while you watched, but not all cops are bad. And yes, it's a fucking vendetta. How many cops has Garza dragged through the courts thus far? He indicted 17 cops then dismissed them back in December. The two Javier Ambler sheriffs deputies, who were found to be not-guilty. Christopher Taylor has been through two mistrials. Jose Garza has wasted resources and money prosecuting officers with exactly 0 guilty verdicts. If you're a police officer, and you could work for Austin and get paid significantly less with risk of litigation left and right, or go work in a more police-friendly city that pays better and has a better working relationship with the DA and the City Council, why the hell would you come to Austin!?
  9. Take this crap to the CR. APD is suffering more from the image of the DA office's vendetta against the police. And the City wants unlimited oversite on the APA and APD, and the city council renegs on the contract negotiations. Until you can get City Hall, the DA's office, and APD to cooperate, it's going to be a gigantic shitshow like this.
  10. She's right, you know... At least when you have emergency heat like most heat pump units have, if you set your temp high enough, it will engage the heat strips and start blasting the heat out quickly. Downside is it draws like 4x the power to run.
  11. It was a machete, and it was after the fact.
  12. I don't know what's better: her trying to reholster the gun between the girls while it's still hot, or her taking a hot minute to deploy the gun itself. Hold on, Mr. Attacker, I'm going to shoot you, but I need a minute to whip this out, cock it, get my hand out of the front of the barrel, aim it, and I MIGHT get you then...
  13. My back hurts just looking at that...
  14. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, Vic for sharing it!
  15. Man, your depth finder must be REALLY off. Below the Oasis, you MIGHT see 200 if you're lucky at full pool, but I would bet closer to 180 from my recollection. CSB: did a night dive on the dam a decade and change ago, and with the survace elevation around 680', I shoved my arm with the depth gauge about 2 feet into the silt at the bottom to hit 170' at the deepest point on one of the "jail houses". If you guys REALLY wanted the easiest way to increase capacity, dredge the river beds, and I bet you could get a good 10-15 feet of silt out of there, not to mention a few dead bodies. Removing the peninsula / sometimes islands, you're going to be blasting away for ages to get minimal results.
  16. At Twin Peaks, had a check for 14.86. Tipped her "pi" (can't find the symbol) for the tip, and totaled it out to 18, which was a fair tip. She had to call over two to three managers to figure out what was going on. Was a dick move for sure, but worth the laughs.
  17. So they didn't have the cap in the budget to raise wages high enough to attract life guard applicants? Essentially they didn't budget for inflation / growth and hamstrung themselves.
  18. Has anyone picked up this compostable material yet?
  19. StinkyPinky is lucky if he beats his meat before Cougar High goes in dry.
  20. Took he's got wood to a whole new meaning.
  21. Aggy's next bonfire location for the Texas game in 2025.
  22. Well, @immamac might have to send you a refresher in surly rules. Pretty sure posting shit like this will get you a banning... EDIT: and if you need to delete this post, mods, feel free...
  23. Is that like car brain? Asking for all the urbanists.
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