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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. It was practically free. It was all recycled wood and volunteer artists. How dare you look a gift grift in the mouth!
  2. Does wonders for the life of the hinges on that screen. And puts undue stress on the battery life of the laptop (given it's pulling power from the USB-C outlet).
  3. Austin is truly the pinnacle of cities when it comes to oversite and standards. Just look at Project Connect! And Austin Energy and their brush management, and Austin Water, and our homeless strategy department...
  4. Riddle me this: what are the implications of having been admitted into a mental health institution? You're going to get red flagged on a lot of future applications for anything from gun ownership to security clearances to TSA Pre, etc. There's a negative connotation, just like there is with DWIs, Class A-B misdemeanors, etc. Someone found to be mentally unstable and tagged as such will have a barrier to overcome in their future. And it is not unreasonable to believe that people will abuse this for their personal or financial gain. It's all politics around these parts, anyways.
  5. I think the conservative aversion to Mental Health: it becomes a very slippery slope if we start admitting people into mental health institutions who we deem to be mentally unstable. At what point do people abuse the system and claim their wives or girlfriends or neighbors are acting crazy and getting them incarcerated in a mental hospital. I fully agree, our state-funded mental institutions are spread extremely thin, and we need more private mental health facilities. But the stigma behind mental health and the real lack of funding really keeps the status quo where it's at. Until someone takes it up as a priority at the txlege or at the Whitehouse, we're stuck sending a bulk of our homeless to ASH or TSH for lobotomies.
  6. I compromised with my wife the other day, and got Cottonelle instead of Charmin. Was delightfully surprised. Unfortunately, it still doesn't wipe this site clean of shit posters.
  7. PM is one step away from office of special projects, where all good state careers go to die.
  8. Whoever didn't put an Iron Maiden track over that clip missed a golden opportunity...
  9. In other news, overnight traffic on Surly is up 1600%
  10. I'll call bullshit on this. I don't care if it's a mentally stable, premeditated mass murderer, or a crazy dude driving a vehicle into a crowd of people. If you're capable of doing that kind of harm, you need to be incarcerated. Claiming you were insane and should get a free pass on a murder is complete bullshit. You're a threat to society, plain and simple. Mental state should only play into whether you grow old in Terrell State Hospital or Huntsville.
  11. Hell, even roided out Prius drivers in Austin can't land a punch, yet alone a decent parking job. Just ask Avery Tomasco.
  12. As seen in Morgantown. They specialize in hauling away burned couches and running hooch.
  13. Not going to mention the silver sedan next to the truck playing just the tip? That might be worse in this case...
  14. Probably sent to Austin State Hospital for a few months of minimum security detention.
  15. I'm impressed by the door ding your granddaughter left with that civic!
  16. Stuck behind some RAV4 on 71 today, and the dude's doing 2 over the limit on the left lane, crawling past the dude on the right lane. 2 minutes later, he finishes passing the other guy, then slowly pulls into the right lane, and starts going 80.
  17. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/austin-police-swat-merle-drive/269-c7c62924-f455-45b6-b3e2-a5137b4bc270 This one was interesting, too. I'm interested if anyone has the dude's name yet, and what his priors are. Several tweeting he was out on bond when this happened. Sorry for partying? Per the spaceman:
  18. Almost forgot, for Garza's vendetta on Cops: the latest two Wilco Sheriffs were found NOT GUILTY last night. That's exactly 0 cops he's been able to throw behind bars.
  19. The numbers are not black and white here. For one, half of 2020 was pretty dang quiet, crime wise. Second, after defunding, APD stepped back from proactive policing and went into reactive mode, causing crime stats to drop on paper. On top of that, the DA refusing to prosecute led to less citations / arrests for some of the lower level crimes. 911 calls being deferred to 311, 311 not generating crime reports, etc. It's not a good comparison to use crime stats from the two eras. Also, think of all those @Nicole44 victims in the last couple years they wrote off as accidental drownings. There's a good handful of murders missing from the stat sheets.
  20. He mentioned the bisque... More like the B1G entering USC, amirite?! But come on, throw Oregon on the couch here... And Iowa is clearly the ones holding the camera in the corner. And Penn State is in the shower with, well, not her.
  21. Eh, with around 89% of voters staying home for the primaries, I wouldn't call that an affirmation of Garza's job performance. I bet if you polled most voters, his approval rating would be on the low side, but people are just too lazy to get off their asses and do anything about it.
  22. I'm pointing that out because that's the only narrative going around: Jeremy was funded by the Westlake / Rollingwood big donors. The media has beaten that narrative to death while not mentioning anything about Garza donors. See: EDITED: Also noted this from the article: took in 39K in January, 37,200 from the PAC Soros funds. That's the Austin Chronicle for you...
  23. The old toolbag was a majority contributor to the only listed PAC that donated this go-round to Jose. Again, out of district / state money influencing the election. I'd much rather see someone from the other side of the aisle donating to the opposing party's campaign than some shitbag masquerading his money as "Texas [in]Justice & Public Safety PAC".
  24. Are you not towing? Or towing with electronic brakes, and using the trailer to slow the truck?! I'm going through brake pads every 50K or so on average on most of my vehicles.
  25. So, I did see there was a contribution made to the Jose Garza campaign on January 17th ($37,200.00), from Texas Justice and Public Safety PAC (https://www.transparencyusa.org/tx/contributor/jose-garza-campaign/contributions). Anyone want to guess who funds that PAC?
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