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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. Did you forget to log out of one sock and log into the other?
  2. Hey, @immamac, is this schtick's IP address even located in London?
  3. Crap, my bad, I didn't mean ETJ, I meant areas like Lost Creek subdivision. The ones that are currently being put to a vote.
  4. I only got excited about Cinci because that's where my parents went. But my pops will pull for UT these days over his alma mater. Would have been fun to take him the a game at DKR with Cinci in town, but alas, it didn't happen.
  5. Someone with the knowledge, fill me in here. If an ETJ votes for disannexation, are they required to get a winning percentage of the vote, or do they have to obtain a certain amount of FOR votes in order for the proposal to pass? E.g. in an ETJ of 1000 registered voters, they need to receive 501 YES votes to proceed, vs a mere 51% of the votes.
  6. I'm guessing the Sooners and aggy fall into the Pedo army?
  7. This had to be the first time they were gracious hosts for UT. They bent over and took it like a champ!
  8. An old boss of mine comes to mind here. She got mad because her flirtatious manipulation wasn't working with me (she wasn't my type...). Somehow she blew the right people though to end up a C level around the Austin government.
  9. Especially with the local gang of high school asshats that scratched their sign into the screen.
  10. Not true. SEC / ESPN has a monopoly right now in aggy. Where else you gonna tune in to watch these milkmen make fools of themselves. SEC has it, B1G wants it...
  11. Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you can hide it quite a long time.
  12. Ah, the quiet buzz of a self-bannination. May Joseph Stang find his peace amongst other string theories.
  13. Push all the buttons to the right of the screen. Usually the second or third button mutes that crap. I think I'm more pissed about all the buttons you have to push before you can start pumping your gas. "Do you want to add fuel additive into your gas today?" "Would you like a receipt?" "Do you have a fuel rewards account?" "Would you like to join?" Just let me swipe my card, verify the chip, and let me pump my 87 octane, asshole. And take your 10% ethanol and shove it.
  14. YIMBYs and this toolbag...
  15. This is my EXACT argument against the YIMBY clowns. Trains are the answer for mass transit.. Bull shit, you're not taking cars off the road, you're just changing the destination and adding time onto someone's commute. Might be saving some fuel for the commuters, I agree. But it's the equivalent of kicking out the mobile homes of a nice neighborhood. They're not getting rid of the problem, they're just moving the issue out of sight. And can't forget: the train stops traffic when it crosses roads, too, leading to vehicles idling while waiting 2 minutes for the 10 second crossing.
  16. I bet he bitches about the lack of bike lanes on Burnet, too.
  17. I guess I left the other point out: If you are my DD driver and get a delivery here in a timely manner, I should be able to tip you more than some dude that picks up four orders and drops mine off last. It's no longer a tip in my book since it's not tied into the level of service of the driver, but a bribe to get them to consider picking up your order to begin with. And the restaurant staff that got your order together get jack shit from that tip.
  18. Door Dash and Uber Eats et. al.: Why can't we tip after we receive our orders? When we tip servers, it's after the fact at a restaurant, and it's based on their level of service. I feel like the food delivery services, we're paying a bribe to ensure the driver doesn't fuck with our food in transit and that it gets picked up and delivered to begin with.
  19. I can relate. Smoke the kids in a game, then take a hard right at the end and let them win to avoid hearing them melt down because you beat them again.
  20. I winterized it as best I could. Pulled the freeze plugs and let them drain, disconnected the impeller hoses and drained them. Second time I've had to do it the old fashioned way while the motor was not running. At this point, it's like Schrödinger's boat. I can still believe it works as long as I don't know the oil is the forbidden sludge at this point.
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