Now, break up the spending by department, if you want to get into the weeds here. Homeless services, Arts and Entertainment, etc. We spend more money on the icing on the cake rather than the actual cake itself. We need to ensure the basic necessities of a community are handled properly (Austin Energy and their tree trimming, road maintenance, water infrastructure maintenance, trash service, city sanitation workers, etc.) before we start throwing money at shit like tax payer funded cultural museums, DEI initiatives, investing in climate change, etc. Hell, even building trains that serve a SLIVER of our population while alienating most the rest is a poor stewardship of our tax dollars.
The fact that the city has that much debt PER CAPITA, compiled with the county debt per capita, state, and national debt is what's going to drive us into the shitter in a generation or two, and as long as we have this current mindset where we'll just print money or tax everyone, we're doomed.