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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. Little Biodome-esque...
  2. But they were middle eastern... Wrong-racially motivated?
  3. Hopefully John Krinjak knows a few good moves...
  4. A plumber once recommended this stuff: Dump some in the sink and add some boiling water, but don't just flush it down the sink. You want it to stay in the P-trap for a bit before you flush it down.
  5. Now, break up the spending by department, if you want to get into the weeds here. Homeless services, Arts and Entertainment, etc. We spend more money on the icing on the cake rather than the actual cake itself. We need to ensure the basic necessities of a community are handled properly (Austin Energy and their tree trimming, road maintenance, water infrastructure maintenance, trash service, city sanitation workers, etc.) before we start throwing money at shit like tax payer funded cultural museums, DEI initiatives, investing in climate change, etc. Hell, even building trains that serve a SLIVER of our population while alienating most the rest is a poor stewardship of our tax dollars. The fact that the city has that much debt PER CAPITA, compiled with the county debt per capita, state, and national debt is what's going to drive us into the shitter in a generation or two, and as long as we have this current mindset where we'll just print money or tax everyone, we're doomed.
  6. Now why do you have to beseech the down syndrome folks. Calling ACC aggy is even an insult to aggy. The next few posts sure seem to support your theory:
  7. Something something downtown Austin post office?
  8. That's locker room talk...
  9. He says thanks! Gotta keep his living room stocked with the latest in model train accessories.
  10. There's a certain kind of person / mindset that works for the state. Having worked for several agencies, I can attest that there is actual talent working for most agencies, but the some of the front end workers are the ones that give the rest a bad name. That said, most state agencies want(ed) to have all their employees working in the same building and close to the capitol, but I think those sentiments are a few years past their prime. You might also notice that most the agencies that are in close proximity to the capitol are the more high maintenance agencies, if you will. And I know there's still some tunnels from the capitol to a few of the buildings north of 15th, so I have a feeling those agencies will be the last to give up their office buildings.
  11. You do realize why all these state agencies work in close proximity to the capital? The three or four most overpaid figure heads of each agency has to spend like 4 days every biennium answering to the state leg as to where the money went, and why they want so much more in their next 10 year financial forecasting. For what it's worth, TRS did it right and moved away from 10th and Red River to Mueller. Sold the premium real estate for some slightly cheaper and larger digs. I think you have to take in consideration that any place you work that's pulling in the middle class, you can't just move to the outskirts without alienating your staff. Take for instance if you moved from downtown to off 130 on the far east side. Anyone coming from Leander or Cedar Park or Oak Hill just got pissed. You move from Downtown to the Domain, all your people from Buda and Kyle just took a big commute hit. I think the appeal of downtown is you can pull from talent pools in all directions fairly equally.
  12. I freaking HATE that change. I love how they're doing it to prevent speeding. "We've forced everyone to follow that one assclown that texts and drives 10 under the limit." The bike cucks can eat a bag 'o Stoops'.
  13. Karbach is owned by InBev. It's freaking relabeled BudLight brewed in Houston.
  14. They've traded it in for the first annual homeless tent show.
  15. Was this her? She WAS inside the lines, I'll give her that...
  16. Anyone have eyes on TxTow?
  17. She's the one that got stiff for once.
  18. They're 3 and 5 years old, and HAVE to use chopsticks anytime Mom and Dad use them. Usually just them stabbing their food with one stick after trying to learn to use them for 10 minutes.
  19. Counter-point. I think Asian restaurants need to include chopsticks by default. If we don't use them, we definitely save them and the kids will use them the next time we get Asian, for nothing else than pretending they're guns or swords.
  20. They at least had a placard, just can't keep their handi-capable selves in the lines.
  21. Karbach is dead to me since they sold out to InBev. This beer is just a rebranded BudLight.
  22. nvm
  23. Her gyno is none other than...
  24. This is what happens when you give AI access to your Outlook and let 'er rip!
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