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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. There's the other side of the coin. The Karen / Cancel culture where they blame cops for anything and everything. Again, doing your job correctly leads to an internal investigation for police brutality because some dumbass thinks they shouldn't have been pulled over for doing 20 over in a school zone. The inherent lack of respect for authority paired with the customer's always right mindset leads to crap like this. I know there are lazy / corrupt / bad cops, but I don't believe the entire APD force is conspiring to defraud the city of Austin for political carte blanche to bring about Marshall Law.
  2. I call BS on this... I think a huge part of the problem is the cops are afraid to do their jobs. One misstep, and Garza is dragging their ass through the wringer. There's also no morale around there given the city council has given them the finger numerous times by refusing their contracts. I put the blame equally on ACC and the DA. I do feel like the 400 open positions have led APD to be lazy and turn a blind eye under the guise of understaffing. That, along with complete department dismantling (motorcycle unit, DWI enforcement, etc) has led to less and less proactive policing and more reactive.
  3. Was waiting for this, or dickbutt troll.
  4. Is that the love child of BV and Rick Perry?!
  5. How many photos of dickbutt have been submitted to that inbox? That mailbox should be flooded with garbage, stat!
  6. We have multiple aggy and blOU posters, too. Do you propose we take it easy on them? We have multiple posters with male genitalia, too? Should we stop populating bags with fake male genitalia and shipping pallets full of these to the Stoops residence? WHERE DOES IT END?!
  7. BV throws his six pack holders away without cutting them up to save the turtles.
  8. So, FartingDreamer gets banned, comes back as Pep, and has 0 posts and is going around negging and PMing. Don't we have a minimum post count before you can neg others? Also, he likes to PM about things he doesn't get...
  9. I guess when they all gather around the one trailer with TV, it skews the numbers.
  10. BV orders his steak well done, and uses A1.
  11. ...in 10 days time.
  12. Can we just IP ban the entire state of Utah? And Oklahoma? Use a white-list method rather than black-list...
  13. My goodness, it's BEAUTIFUL!
  14. BV introduced Taylor Swift to Kelce. BV's role models off the field are Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky. BV didn't see anything wrong with what Baylor did.
  15. He's almost as bad as the derrel. Going back weeks to neg rando posts of mine. He must really be upset about that Kansas loss or something.
  16. BV eats pieces of sh!t for breakfast. BV roots for Ivan Drago.
  17. What's even more impressive is the 661 yards with the new clock rules. Probably 10% less plays than that tceh game.
  18. Brandt Vanerial calls breakfast tacos burritos. BV prefers Tom Thumb over HEB. BV drives a Ram 1500 with his tow mirrors out 24/7. BV parks at the diesel pump to walk inside and get gas station pizza.
  19. Good idea from the business side of it, drive the new transplants to your business so they can claim they're part of the Austin legacy. But this is quite douchey from the outsider standpoint.
  20. @5:52 for the big hold play... 77, wow...
  21. The running start, or nearly knocking yourself out on a fire truck? Either way, maybe lay off the hard stuff a bit?
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