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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. We're not counting all the drownings as homicides. Skewing the numbers a bit...
  2. You troglodyte, that's the point of the art installation, you're SUPPOSED to interact with it. Also, the homeless aren't breaking the law defecating on the sidewalks, they're actually paid actors participating in another art installation paid for by the city council. It's called the San Fran Part Deaux / Doo.
  3. My youth is filled with memories of dad cooking bacon in the microwave on one of these. Was a pretty good method, not too greasy, had the right amount of crispiness, all around, 8 out of 10.
  4. quoted for truth.
  5. Curious, since we're hosting some spicy content on here, does the new Texas law require you guys verify our ID before we access the site? I need to find my copy of Derka's ID if that's the case.
  6. Wasteful spending, that's the issue.
  7. Your tax dollars hard at work, folks...
  8. From the text on the agenda, NO.
  9. This guy right here...
  10. I think it's pointless. Show me an property that DOESN'T have HVAC. I think the bigger issue is people who do have HVAC and can't afford to repair it. Does the city condemn and seize a property of a low income property because the HVAC is in disrepair? Does the city offer services to help with HVAC repairs or offset emergency after-hour repair services? It's complete BS because it looks great on paper, but can really hose someone over in the end.
  11. I mean, of all the freaking things going wrong in this city, I'm glad these are the two things they're taking up. And pretty sure 88 will get nuked with the DeathStar bill. It's all virtue signaling from this clown show that has lost touch with any sense of reality in Austin.
  12. Need we say more? Don't model the logo after your school, model the school after the logo you ripped off.
  13. burned out license plate light might be the number one excuse I've had used on me. Oddly didn't happen once I sold my old Mustang and got one that wasn't a 15 year old V6. The entire time I was in my GT, never got harassed.
  14. Pizza Hut?! EDIT: treed on the next page...
  15. Now consider this, if I have unlimited free medical care, I'm dropping my health insurance. So take away the lifetime of health insurance. And if you have a kid, that's a huge bill. Cancer, crank that bitch up. ER visit, you can see 6 figures for a broken bone... 8 is the no-brainer.
  16. The burn says otherwise.
  17. So, here's the wife. Apparently she's the instigator.
  18. I'd do that to the wife, but I've taught her how to back into spots, so my luck, she'd be 30 minutes away getting ready to park and THAT'D go down...
  19. See that sign for fighting the music venue all the time heading to a few of the breweries out there. I'm in agreement, the roads aren't ready for a large scale venue out there. They can barely handle the brewery traffic that's out there.
  20. You chant SEC just once; next thing you know you're balls deep in a sheep at a yell practice while claiming a national championship because your conference-mates won one.
  21. Man, not lending you a boat anytime soon...
  22. Wouldn't it be a bigger slap in the face to handle our business, then chant Big12 on the way out the door? Or F- Big 12? I'm game for that, and don't feel like I'll have regret the next morning.
  23. I mean, realistically, we should play the videos on the jumbotron, trash the refs and the Big12 office, then if they threaten to sue, counter-sue stating collusion on the part of the conference office as we now have more proof than ever.
  24. Probably in Austin. "Reason: transitioning to bike lane."
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