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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. I'm officially old, as I clearly didn't laugh at that, or really get it...
  2. I thought that was the head baseball coach for a minute...
  3. Having to make the commute daily, I for one welcome the expansion. The lights along 360 are a PITA and should look like 360 and Bee Cave Rd. Westlake Dr, Cedar St, and Pascal can go F themselves with the amount of times those lights have been out of sync and hosed traffic.
  4. Yep! Also, I was on team keep Jimbo, too! Mostly because who doesn't love a good trainwreck?
  5. I mean, what better representation of the Vandy game than that... A win, but it was SURE painful. Also, who hasn't thought about that when the hut gnomes were being complete dicks?
  6. Man, had something similar happen to me last year. But it was a 2 amp fuse. I couldn't find one anywhere, so I replaced the 2 amp with the next to smallest I could find, a 5 amp, and fried my Wyze thermostat at the time. Turns out the contactor was bad in the outdoor unit which was blowing that fuse. Replaced the contactor, got a replacement t-stat (thanks @Captain Ron), and was able to get it running again without breaking the bank by any means. And for those of you that are handy enough and in Austin, Ferguson HVAC is a complete life-saver, as you can get basic stuff easily from them (contactors, run-start capacitors, etc) and avoid paying 5x for the crap the HVAC tech is going to try to sell you.
  7. Way to muck up the lol thread. It haz the sads now...
  8. Can't wait for the Cybertruck to be pimping the cassette player along with the 8-track (and maybe a portable Edison for ArmyBrat).
  9. Someone clearly hasn't done parchment paper salmon. That's one of the best preparations of it you can do at home with about 5 minutes prep time. I for one applaud that book, and frankly is a damn good idea.
  10. It's the constant, "WeLl, ThIs Is ApD's JuRiSdIcTiOn" and visa versa crap on 360 that's turned it into the wild west.
  11. I watched a white woman in her Mercedes pull out of the light at Pascal Ln at 360, buried in her phone, IN FRONT OF a TCSO marked Explorer (which had to brake heavily to avoid hitting her), text some more, swerve a bit, then decided she wanted to change lanes to make a U-Turn at the next left-turn turnout. She was 3 feet into the left lane before realizing there was someone RIGHT next to her. So she swerved back to the right lane, braked, then took a hard left across the left lane AND the left turn lane into the turn-around, all with the Sheriff RIGHT behind her. Worst part was the sheriff just let her go about her day nearly causing 4 wrecks in half a mile.
  12. So is the Florida game going to be Dozen Egg night?
  13. Do they have a version that's "LIGHT ME WHEN YOU DON'T WANT A BJ"? That thing might the longest lasting candle ever.
  14. Austin Sanders trying to stir the pot again I see... Nothing like conjecture and hearsay to base your journalistic integrity on... That said, I'd hope there was a criminal record of this case which would be in the open.
  15. You sure you updated your Mac and it wasn't the Surly servers you updated? And if nothing else, you're now patched up for all the latest known bugs in Mac, so now you should be able to sleep better <than immamac> at night.
  16. Maybe update your OS to Sequoia, or Sonoma, or at least 13.7 on Ventura...
  17. Cyclists use vehicular roads like asshats, so turntables, bitch!
  18. No, but I bet they have the cleanest restrooms of any truck stop. And the aggys are in charge of keeping 'em that way.
  19. Have they tried holding a few yell practices? It will turn things around I hear...
  20. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/city-presents-proposal-for-combined-hq-for-austin-first-responders I was waiting to see who was going to benefit. Seems like a PAC that's funding Watson has a huge interest in this deal.
  21. Bet that dude shows up early to church that following Sunday.
  22. HOLY CRAP! What a waste of money! Grifting at its finest. The quote in the article from Ryan Alter shows just how stupid these clowns really are. "It's really important because trees are a critical part of our infrastructure just like roads, pipes, and the energy grid..."
  23. So given this information, do we call aggy fans that aren't alumni or current students "cup fans" or "clearance rack fans"?
  24. Dude goes to the state fair to troll Texas fans. The pathetic lengths aggy goes to...
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