She needs to be a bit more specific in her rantings. On one hand she took offense to UCLA's players being called "milk & cookies" by a Los Angeles Times writer. So it was a home-team type commentary/preview that seemed to play up the "good vs evil" in sports. An angle that has been used for every male sport. Then, she says she doesn't care if people don't like that her team trash talks, which I guess is part of the "good vs evil aspect of the story.
Geno at UCONN also got trashed by the media when his teams took over from Tennessee and the lovable Pat Summit. There were plenty of people who hated on UCONN.
I'm sure if I looked hard enough I would find some things about other coaches that I don't like. I don't have any problems with the Staley gal at USCe. I didn't like the old Notre Dame coach, Muffy or Muffet, or whatever her name was. She was a whiner extraordinaire. At Pitt we've had some interesting gal's coaches, some I liked and some I did not.
I'm just not sure who Mulkey is mad at all the time.
She's so unlikable.